Regional Training Program on Gender and Public Policies Master’s Program on Gender, Society and Policies
MASTER AND POST-GRADUATE DIPLOMA ON GENDER AND PUBLIC POLICIES – graduates during attended specialization seminars - 28 are preparing their Master Degree Thesis - New Seminar “Gender and cultural policies” GENDER AND PUBLIC POLICIES PROGRAM First Edition “Post-Graduate Diploma on Gender and Local Policies”, Women’s Center, Mayor's Office of Medellin and the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Antioquia 76 graduates: professionals and technicians from government bodies, NGO and Academic Institutions VIRTUAL WORKSHOP “GENDER AND PUBLIC POLICIES” Second Edition, in cooperation with the UNDP Program “América Latina GENERA” El Salvador Graduates: 58 professionals from government bodies, NGOs, Women’s Offices, among others
RESEARCH “GENDER, INTERNATIONAL LAW AND JUSTICE” Focal Point - Argentina. With the support of CISDL – IDRC- Canada “DESCENTRALIZATION AND WOMEN’S RIGHTS IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN” Monitoring and technical assistance to research projects. Co-coordinated with IDRC – Canada -
PROGEO Third year of cooperation with the “Program for Organizational Management with Gender Perspective” of the “Women in Management Network from Latin America and the Caribbean” ALUMNI COMMUNITY -Composed by 12 professors and 317 graduates from 19 countries -Alumni community members collaborate in several projects of the Gender Society and Policies Area. Many of our graduates occupied decision making positions at NGOs, universities, government bodies and international cooperation organizations
-Online Seminar: “The integration of gender analysis in research and healthcare: conceptual and methodological contributions to strengthen quality and equity” in association with the Women’s Health Observatory of the Ministry of Healthcare and Consumption, Spain Attended by 46 students from 11 countries -Virtual Workshop: Science, Technology and Society: Contributions from a Gender Approach. In cooperation with the Dirección General de Ordenación e Innovación Educativa de la Consellería de Educación y Ordenación Universitaria de la Xunta de Galicia (España) -Launching of the Lifelong Learning Environment – FOCO- :
-Virtual Research and Training Program for Latin American Researchers in Biomedical / Health Sciences, in collaboration with the Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health (NIH). Evaluation and planning of new stages -Contextualization and regional evaluation of the WHO Guidelines on “Integration of Gender Perspective for Health Administrators: WHO Practice Method” In collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) - The integration of gender perspective in ICT programs and projects: Diagnoses and methodological proposals. Consultancy for the Connectivity and Equity in the Americas Program (CEA)- CRDI
- Creation of the Network of Latin American Women Researchers in Biomedical Sciences -Program for Non-Sexist Communication in IberoAmerica In collaboration with CEM With the auspice of the Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer, España -Virtual Forum “Gender, ICT/Information Society in Ibero america”. With the participation of more than 120 persons -Organization of the parallel event: “Gender parity policies in the information society: new agendas, new alliances” X Conferencia sobre la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe, Unidad Mujer y Desarrollo, ECLAC. - Member of the Steering Committee of CoE –GAID: Gender, Development and Information Society Policies International Task Force on Women and ICTs -Collaboration with the Information Society Program of ECLAC - Delphi - of Policies Elaboration of the Gender Goal of the eLAC 2010