® Sponsored by Agenda Hydro DWG 91st OGC Technical Committee Geneva, Suisse Ulrich Looser 11 June 2014 Copyright © 2014 Open Geospatial Consortium
OGC ® Agenda Feedback from the WMO CHy - Uli Looser WMO Information System (WIS) and WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) - Steve Foreman SOS 2.0 Hydrology Profile - update and motion for release as OGC Best Practice - Simon Jirka, Michael Utech OWS-10 CCI Hydro Model Interoperability Engineering Report - update and motion for release as OGC Engineering Report - Liping Di GEOSS Water Services update: activities related to flood monitoring & prediction - David Arctur Water data exchange using standards - towards a suite of standards - Irina Dornblut Discussion of HydroDWG workshop and HIC 2014 Tutorial in August in NYC - All Copyright © 2014 Open Geospatial Consortium
OGC ® Changes: Hydro DWG Co-Chair: Current Hydro DWG Co-Chairs: Ilya Zaslavsky – Co-Chair since June 2009 (Boston TC) Toni Boston – WMO nominated Co-Chair since June 2013 Ulrich Looser – WMO nominated Co-Chair since Dec stepping down in June 2014 OGC/TC in Geneva Silvano Pecora – new WMO nominated Co-Chair as from June 2014 (OGC/TC Meeting in Geneva) Former Hydro DWG Co-Chair: David Lemon – WMO nominated; Dec – Feb. 2013
OGC ® WMO related activities Current specification of WMO Information System (WIS) and WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) Metadata requirements; Inputs to these processes through different WMO Task Teams and Inter-Programme Expert Teams promoting: ISO (Observations and Measurements) HY_Features (OGC Discussion Paper) GRDC Hydrologic Metadata
OGC ® Hydro DWG Workshop, Aug 2014, New York Venue: City College of New York Organised by Hydro DWG Co-Chairs: Currently already 10 registered participants Agenda Items: (To be discussed and determined with Co-Chairs – to ensure balance between continuity and new items). …
OGC ® Hydro DWG Tutorial, Saturday16 Aug 2014 Standardization of Water Data Exchange: WaterML 2.0 and Beyond Part of the “11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics” Venue: CCNY, New York City All available participant places already booked; Still looking for speakers and lectors to cover all topics on the agenda;
OGC ® HIC 2014 Tutorial: Proposed agenda: Water Markup Language 2.0 – Part I (Time Series) Rating and Gaugings, or WaterML 2.0 Part II. Standard representation and encoding of hydrologic features Standard representation and encoding of hydrogeologic features Hydrology profile of the OGC Sensor Observation Service Standards ‐ based service ‐ oriented architecture models and brokering for hydrology Standards ‐ based water data catalogues. Federating regional and national water data providers: the GEOSS model Modeling and encoding of water quality information, and hydrologic and hydrogeologic vocabularies
OGC ® Modelling and encoding of groundwater observations and features Interoperability experiments and pilots in water data exchange: past, ongoing and planned Existing WaterML 2.0 implementations in commercial and open source software Efforts of US, European and Australian government agencies, and WMO, in offering standards based data access Future of water data exchange standards: What is missing in the current suite of standards? What is needed most? What are additional use cases to consider? HIC 2014 Tutorial: Proposed agenda: continued
OGC ® Copyright © 2014 Open Geospatial Consortium Motion: as BP Motion: “OGC Sensor Observation Service 2.0 Hydrology Profile ” as BP The Hydrology DWG recommends that the OGC Technical Committee approve release of r1 “OGC Sensor Observation Service 2.0 Hydrology Profile ” as an OGC Best Practice Document –Pending and final edits and review by OGC staff –Motion: –Second: –There was no objection to unanimous consent This document is intended to describe a best practice how the SOS 2.0 standard can be applied to server WaterML 2.0 encoded hydrological observations in an interoperable manner.
OGC ® Copyright © 2014 Open Geospatial Consortium Motion: as ER Motion: “OWS-10 CCI Hydro Model Interoperability Engineering Report” as ER The Hydrology DWG recommends that the OGC Technical Committee approve release of “OWS-10 CCI Hydro Model Interoperability Engineering Report” as an OGC Engineering Report –Pending and final edits and review by OGC staff –Motion: –Second: –There was no objection to unanimous consent This OGC® document gives guidelines for enabling interoperability among different hydro data models and services. The demonstration specifically gives out best practices for supporting interoperability among the National Hydrographic Network (NHN) of Canada, the National Hydrographic Dataset Plus (NHD+) of United States, and the OGC HY_Features model developed and proposed by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The discussed version of OGC HY_Features was adopted as the mediation bridge model to exchange information among heterogeneous hydrological models.