Business meeting Group 4.2 Sleep and control of breathing Monday September 14 Vienna 2009 Prof. J. Verbraecken Prof. S. Andreas.


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Presentation transcript:

Business meeting Group 4.2 Sleep and control of breathing Monday September 14 Vienna 2009 Prof. J. Verbraecken Prof. S. Andreas

Group 4.2 May 2006-September 2009: Group chair: J. Verbraecken Group secretary: S. Andreas End of mandates

Group 4.2 Abstracts 2004 Glasgow 2005 Copen- hagen 2006 Münich 2007 Stock- holm 2008 Berlin Abstracts received (+34% !) Abstracts accepted 141 (85%) 177 (81%) 169 (81%) 150 (78%) 220 (+47%) (76%) 5.5% of the total number of abstracts submitted to the ERS congress (in 2007: 4%)

Group 4.2 Abstracts

Abstracts Assembly 4

Abstracts ERS

Group 4.2 Accepted Abstracts Sleep in Assembly : 141/390= 36% 2005: 177/415=43% 2006: 169/433=39.0% 2007: 150/446=34% 2008: 218/553=39.5% Sleep within the ERS 2004: 141/3970= 3.6% 2005: 177/4079= 4.3% 2006: 169/4375= 3.9% 2007: 150/3958= 3.8% 2008: 218/4116= 5.3%

Members of Group

Members of Group 4.2 Current members: –From European continent: 79% –From outside of Europe: 21% Primary group membership: 284 members Members with Secondary interest in sleep: –430 members (without voting rights) Overall: = 714 members

Members of Group 4.2 Origin: from 39 countries Japan, Poland Turkey, Brazil Greece, Portugal France, Canada Argentinia, Germany Spain, Saoudi-Arabia Russia, Belgium, Finland, UK, Roumenia, Swiss, Austria, Italy Ireland, USA, Australia, Korea, Slovakia, Sweden, China, New Zeeland, Luxemburg, South-Africa, Denmark, Lithuania, Israel, Chile, Guatemala, Czech, Estonia, Hong-Kong, Iran

Group 4.2 Berlin Postgraduate course on “Nonapnoeic respiratory disorders during sleep” 1 Assembly symposium Non CPAP therapies: crossing the borders ? 1 Practical workshop on CPAP therapy 1 Hot Topic symposium “Portable monitoring in sleep apnoea” 5 oral presentation sessions 2 electronic poster discussion sessions 7 Thematic Posters Sessions

Group 4.2 Travel grants for Sleep Medicine Weinmann Geräte für Medizin GmbH+CO KG 3 x 1000 Euros Winners 2008: –Dr. Bharat Bhushan (New Delhi, India): Association of PPAR (Pro12Ala) and neuropeptide Y (Leu7Pro) gene polymorphisms with obstructive sleep apnea: a crosssectional study. –Dr. Claire Arnaud (Grenoble, France): Chronic intermittent hypoxia accelerates atherosclerotic plaque formation in ApoeE knockout mice independently of cholesterol levels. –Dr. Stefanie Boecker (Heidelberg, Germany): The ImPAP-mode – a new therapy for Cheyne Stokes respiraiton.

Group 4.2 Coming activities in

Group 4.2 ERS School Course on Sleep Medicine Coming course New ERS School Course on Sleep Medicine will be organised. December 18-20, 2008 in Grenoble

Group 4.2 Task force a Task Force Group on “Non-CPAP therapies in OSA”: –65% has been written –Paper will be submitted spring 2009

Group 4.2 Deadlines for submissions Vienna, September 12-16, 2009 –Hot Topics: January …, 2009 –Abstracts: February …, 2009 Congress 2010 –1st Round Symposia proposals: March …, 2009 –2nd Round Symposia proposals: –Hot Topics: –Abstracts: ?

Group 4.2 Elections Group chair and group secretary: –Organisation of sessions, symposia, PG course during ERS congress –Reviewing abstracts –Making proposals for new symposia –Attending the ERS Spring meeting in Zürich –… Call for candidates deadline: Voting period: – Publication of results:

Website page Group 4.2 Development of portal page with sleep medicine links International Sleep Medicine Societies and Societies with interest in Sleep National Sleep Medicine Societies Journals with interest in sleep Search machines for sleep Organisations for sleep technicians Patients organisations General educational sites on sleep Websites of study groups Congresses and meetings on sleep Mandate Assembly website coordinator has ended May 2008 !!!