Researchers nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency FP7-PEOPLE-2010-NIGHT INFORMATION DAY Brussels, 12 November 2009 REMINDER/ GENERAL NOTIONS
Researchers nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency KEY NOTIONS EUROPEAN Open to Member and Associated states All events to take place on 24 September 2010 (4th Friday of September) (except Israel) Involving as many as possible MS and AC Ensuring European visibility RESEARCHERS Researchers, as « human beings », focus of the action Involved form the very start, present at all stages, active during the night NIGHT Evening event (possibly starting in the afternoon for children, possibly included within a longer lasting event of which it constitutes the cornerstone) Funding linked to the nights costs PUBLIC Addressing public at large Whichever the age or background EVENT Mix of activities: «EDUTAINMENT» Likely to compete with traditional Friday night activities. 2
Researchers nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency Basic features (1) PARTNERSHIP Possibly one single participant Member states/Associated states Transnationality not required but welcome Any legal entity FUNDING Up to 100 % of eligible costs (support action) Eligible costs: ALL costs linked to the implementation of the action (awareness campaign, activities during the night, impact assessment, management) Direct costs Indirect costs (limited to 7 % of direct costs –subcontracting) Management costs: no legal maximum share, informally up to 10 % for multi partner projects. Own « investment » encouraged GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE At project level: up to the coordinator (one /several locations, capitals/other cities, urban/rural areas) At overall level: as large a part of European territory possible Certain level of consistency wished for projects in the same country 3
Researchers nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency Basic features (2) EVALUATION External experts (science communication skills) February 2010 Criteria Scientific and technological excellence Quality/efficiency of the implementation and management Potential impact Equal weighting of criteria; in case of equal overall score, priority to criterion 3 and then 2) Proposals assessed by 3 experts (3 different nationalities, different from this of the coordinator) Each criterion assessed against 5, individual threshold 3, overall threshold 10 SCHEDULE Publication: 13 October 2009, deadline 13 January 2010 Evaluation: February 2010 Initial information letters: February 2010 Invitation to negotiation: around Mid-March 2010 Signature of first Grant Agreements: June
Researchers nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS European Corner central location at least one/project frequented attractive (look, activities…) European material … leaflets (own language, EU template) European information gadgets marked 5
Researchers nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency Further information CORDIS /researchersnight09/news_en.htm (presentation note, specific requirements, frequently asked questions)p:// /researchersnight09/news_en.htm 6