The National Traffic Information Center
Program – 15 minutes General information about the National Traffic Information Center, task organisation, skills, education
History Kødannelse 1982 Information Centre of the Danish Road Directorate Data from Falck A daily announcement on National Radio 1985 Road Message Centre Expansion of opening hours Several announcements during the day Traffic Message Centre Additional information about public transportation Open twenty-four hours a day in the winter period Traffic Information Centre (T.I.C) Incident management International cooperation and more partners Open twenty-four hours a day in the winter period
History Kødannelse 2003 The new T.I.C. Traffic management M3 projects 2007 T.I.C and the new roadcentres TV2 NEWS and TV2 Radio = Intermodal operator Hvad er vores fremtidige vision? Hvad er vores fremtidige mission? 2000
We have 3 main tasks Event Verification/ Registration SourceIncident management Traffic management Traffic information
Operational incident management Managing all kinds of accidents or incidents that are dangerous to traffic on state roads Answering emergency telephones Managing incidents Coordinating activities with emergency response partners
Operational traffic management Monitoring technical facilities Traffic monitoring Controlling variable road signs Monitoring railway signals (crossings on private railways) Monitoring traffic lights/signalling devices
Tasks regarding traffic management AreaOperationel traffic management E47/M3 – Motorring 3Traffic monitoring, monitoring technical facilities, variable road signs, intensified traffic management E20/M10 – Køge Bugt-motorwayTraffic monitoring, monitoring technical facilities, variable road signs Rute 15 – Herning-motorwayTraffic monitoring, variable road signs E 20/M40Traffic monitoring, variable road signs, information in accordance with the police Signalling deviceMonitoring of app. 200 signalling devices on state roads and app. 250 signalling devices on municipal roads in the greater Copenhagen area. Railway signalsMonitoring railway signals (crossings on private railways)
Traffic information Information to road-users on the right time and place in various media of e.g. queues, accidents, travel times, road conditions, road works etc.
Organisation of T.I.C. and staffing General handeling of emergency and information 1 duty officer associates (day time) 1 duty office + 1 associates (night time) Traffic management 2 associates (day time) 1 associates (night time) Qualifications, recruiment, skills Group 4 Securicore is responsible of recruiting new staff. Military Personel, Police, Falck, Security personel.
Emergency training Participants in emergency training All new employees in Traffic Information Center, must participate in “emergency training”, to participate in the daily preparedness. After end training, the employees can man the emergency position only. Overall objective of the training To give new staff the theoretical basis for manning the emergency mode. This includes knowledge of The Road Directory and Traffic Information Center functions, state roads, plans, procedures, daily tasks, technical- and reference systems.
Training modules Module Title Duration. Bered-Gen Generel info 2 hours Bered-TIC TIC vs. VD tasks 4 hours Bered-IT IT in general 3 hours Bered-Pro Procedures 3 hours Bered-TEK Technical systems 7 hours Bered-Sys Systems 4 hours Bered-Vej Roadwork's 2 hours Bered-Fær Ferries 1 hour Bered-Sig Light monitoring 1 hour Bered-Sær Special transportation 1 hour Bered-Tur Excursion to collaborators 7,4 hours Bered-Prak Under job training at T.I.C. 5 days After 12 weeks Completion of trial period
Annual training activities January Company visits February Traffic management training March Exercise Traffic management April Practice at roadcenter May Company visits June Test JulyAugust Traffic management training September Exercise Traffic management Vinterman / Vejvejr course October Practice at roadcenter November Company visits December Test Practice at roadcenter
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