GOVST-V Meeting, Beijing, China, 13 – 17 October 2014 GODAE OceanView V Meeting Topics and Objectives Andreas Schiller, Fraser Davidson and Kirsten Wilmer-Becker 13 October 2014
GOVST-V Meeting, Beijing, China, 13 – 17 October 2014 Content Meeting Objective Agenda Overview Attendance
GOVST-V Meeting, Beijing, China, 13 – 17 October 2014 Meeting Objectives
GOVST-V Meeting, Beijing, China, 13 – 17 October 2014 Meeting Objectives (1) 5th face to face meeting of GOVST (plus Symposium 2013) –Reflect on Symposium and the outcomes of the Review in 2013 Status of JOO Special Issue New ideas/suggestions, e.g. DA-TT –Focus of this Meeting: Review and sign-off on Strategic Plan (« fine-tuning ») Review and agreement on work plans of Task Teams –Half-day Task Team meetings
GOVST-V Meeting, Beijing, China, 13 – 17 October 2014 Meeting Objectives (2) –Review progress made since Rio De Janeiro meeting (GOVST-IV) TT + National reports (short presentations) –Overview presentations and review of international collaborations and observing systems JCOMM, ET-OOFS, GSOP/CLIVAR, PICO, Argo(?), Altimetry, GHRSST, GOOS, … –Patron’s group teleconference on Tuesday (report to GOVST today by Paul DiGiacomo, Chair Patrons Group)
GOVST-V Meeting, Beijing, China, 13 – 17 October 2014 GOVST-V: 5th Meeting GOVST-I Toulouse 2009 GOVST-II Tokyo 2010 GOVST-III Paris 2011 GOVST IV Rio 2012 Beijing, China 2014
GOVST-V Meeting, Beijing, China, 13 – 17 October 2014 Meeting Overview
GOVST-V Meeting, Beijing, China, 13 – 17 October 2014 Agenda Day 1 (Monday, 13 October 2014) –Morning: –Afternoon:
GOVST-V Meeting, Beijing, China, 13 – 17 October 2014 Day 2 (Tuesday, 14 October 2014) « Task Team Day » –Morning: –Afternoon: Agenda
GOVST-V Meeting, Beijing, China, 13 – 17 October 2014 Day 3 (Wednesday, 15 October 2014) –Morning: –Afternoon: Agenda !
GOVST-V Meeting, Beijing, China, 13 – 17 October 2014 Day 4 (Thursday, 16 October 2014) –Morning: –Afternoon: Agenda !
GOVST-V Meeting, Beijing, China, 13 – 17 October 2014 Day 5 (Friday, 17 October 2014) –Morning: Agenda
GOVST-V Meeting, Beijing, China, 13 – 17 October 2014 Attendance for this meeting
GOVST-V Meeting, Beijing, China, 13 – 17 October 2014 GOV Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting National Centres
GOVST-V Meeting, Beijing, China, 13 – 17 October 2014 GOV Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting National centres Mercator (France) MFS (Italy) Topaz (Norway) Foam (UK) BLUELink> (Australia) JMA/MRI (Japan) SOA/NMEFC (China) NOAA, Navy, ECCO (US) Concepts (Canada) REMO (Brasil) INDOFOS (India) ECMWF (Eu)
GOVST-V Meeting, Beijing, China, 13 – 17 October 2014 Attendance Apologies –GOV: ECMWF and ECCO will not be (re)presented –Patrons: CNES, ESA, Ifremer and NASA will not be (re)presented We’ll have several guests attending –From China (our host), Germany, IOC, … All TT are (re)presented and most will have a meeting here We will have a good overall attendance ~ 30 GOVST/Patrons’ Group members attending, from Europe, Americas, Asia, Australia ~ 15 guests
GOVST-V Meeting, Beijing, China, 13 – 17 October 2014 Thank you