Sharyland FFA Established 1951 Promoting premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education
Welcome Parents And Students to the School Year!
Introduction of 2010 – 2011 FFA Officers President – Krysti Kelley Vice-President – Trey Garza Secretary – Justin Casares Treasurer – Trent Jones Reporter – Bradley Chavez Sentinel – Katherine Torres Chaplain – Thomas J. Rivera
Please Fill Out the Student Information Sheet Name Parent’s or Guardian’s Names Address, City, & Zip Code School ID Number Phone Numbers Social Security Number Student’s Grade Name of school attending Parent’s & Student’s addresses
FFA Jackets Official Dress Used for Banquets, Meetings, And Contests ALL FFA members are required to wear official dress while participating in Leadership Contests, Banquets, and Conventions Order Form First order goes out on 10/7/10
Farm Contracts, Pen Rent, & Pen Assignments All students housing livestock on the farm must complete and return a farm contract Rent is on a per head basis: –$20.00/small animals (hogs, lambs, & goats) –$25.00/large animals (cattle) Hog, Lamb & Goat Pens will be assigned. Please be familiar with contract, expectations, & conssequences
FFA Membership Dues Sharyland FFA took part in the Affiliation program 574 FFA members Largest Chapter in the State of Texas Equal opportunity for all students in all parts of the agricultural education model (classroom, experiential learning and leadership education) Provide opportunities to: Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
FFA Membership Dues Students may exhibit animal projects and compete on LDE & CDE Teams Students receive subscription to the FFA New Horizons, the member magazine of the National FFA Organization Students are eligible for chapter, state, and national scholarships and awards
Meetings October – Guest Speaker November – Major Shows & Beef Syndicate –San Antonio, Houston, & Fort Worth December –District FFA Show Entries January – Entries due for STAR & RGVLS –Market Animals February –STAR (Rabbits, Ag Mechanics) –RGVLS ( Breeding Animals) March –Planning meeting for STAR & RGVLS April –Scholarship applications, Award applications, & Officer applications May –FFA Banquet
South Texas Agricultural Roundup (STAR) March 2 - 5, 2011 Hidalgo County only Edinburg, Tx 50% of animals make the premium auction Open add-on system Raffle (10 tickets at $10.00 each = $100.00) –1 st entry = 1 book –Each project after is $20.00 each –The exhibitor will receive $50.00 back on every book sold after the initial entry
RGVLS March 11 – 20, 2011 Open to the Rio Grande Valley Mercedes, Tx 10% - 25% of the animals sell depending on the species Open add-ons Spring Break Entry fees vary
Goats Sept. 19 th Goats –$ – deposit Costs: Animal $ – Feed $ Entries ????? Validation $10.00 Pen rent $20.00 Misc. $30.00 $ to $ investment
Lamb Projects Sept. 19 th $ – deposit –Costs: Animal $ – Feed $ Entries ????? Validation $10.00 Pen rent $20.00 Misc. $30.00 $ to $ investment
Hog Project Oct.21 st – 28 th $ Deposit –Costs: Animal $ – Feed $ Entries ????? Validation $10.00 Pen rent $20.00 Misc. $30.00 $ to $ investment
Steer Projects $ and up Steers already on feed Saturday, 9/11 S.T.A.R. Validation –Costs: Animal $ – Feed $800 – Entries ????? Validation $10.00 Pen rent $25.00 Misc. $30.00 $ to $ investment
Rabbits & Chickens $30.00 per rabbit Recommend purchasing five $ investment + –cage –Rabbits –Feed –Bottles –Entry Fees $1.00 per bird $25.00 / 25 birds for STAR $ investment –Enclosure –Feed –Waterers –Feeders –Entry Fees
Fundraisers Popcorn the Varsity Home Games Cookie Dough Sales Rattler Round Up Prospect Show –Steers –Heifers –Lambs –Goats
Rattler Round Up Volunteers & Belt Buckle Sponsors We need everyone to lend a helping hand Secure buckle sponsors Labor at the show grounds Major Fundraiser of the year Funds scholarships for graduating seniors
Contact Information School Phone……………… H. Garzaext M. Barrientesext J. Carterext B. Woodext Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions
FFA Are you up for the challenge?
And remember…… We don’t rebuild….. We reload.