Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
I. Introduction A.Background—manuscript discovered in 1839 B.Author—Unknown: The Pearl Poet
I. Introduction C.Plot sources 1.2. D.The Medieval Romance: Five Qualities Five Qualities1.2.
D. Medieval Romance (five qualities)
II.Major Themes A.Civilization vs. Nature 1.Use of setting: Camelot and Bertilak’sGreen Chapel Castle Castle
Major Themes (continued) 2.Moral Theme: The Power of Nature over Morality (Chivalry) 3. Psychological—Self Knowledge learned through failure (“she knowsthere’s no success like failure / And failure is success like failure / And failure is no success at all” – Bob Dylan) no success at all” – Bob Dylan) a. Journey of _____
Major Themes (continued) b. Life is a journey into humility—the losses: Courtesy fails him Martial abilities fail him Faith fails him (green belt)
Major Themes (continued) 4. Religious Themes a. Christianity vs Paganism b. What does God want? c. Fall from innocence
III. Characters A.Sir Gawain B.The Green Knight
III. Characters (continued) C.Lady Bertilak Temptation (Eve character in fall) D.Morgan le Fay (Old Lady) evil inspiration behind the beheading game (hope to shock Guenivere to death)
IV. Symbolism 1.The journey 2.The Green Knight 3.The Green Chapel 4.The green belt
IV. Symbolism (continued) 5. the pentangle charity charity Generosityfellowship Courtesy pity Courtesy pity