Chaucer A History Emilio Garcia, Evan Keating, Dillon Kumontoy, Anuraag Shankar
1340s ● Chaucer was born o Born in London, England o To a family of the bourgeois class ● Battle of Crecy (Hundred Year’s War) o One of the pivotal battles of the war o England defeats a larger French army ● Outbreak of Black Death on England o results in the death of million people worldwide
1350s ● During the Hundred Year War o France was invaded by Edward III o Chaucer traveled with the English Army which was lead by Lionel of Antwerp ● Alliterative poetry is revived in West and North-West England
1360s ● Chaucer is captured at the siege of Reims by French soldiers o Ransomed for 16 pounds ● Blanche of Lancaster dies o The Book of the Duchess is believed to be written by Chaucer in her honour
1370s ● “Revelation of Divine Love”, by Dame Julian of Norwich, is released detailing his mystical experiences ● Gawain poet begins work o Produces Sir Gawain and The Green Knight, Patience, and Cleanness which shape much of the English literature scene
1380s ● Wat Tyler leads a revolt against serfdom o Tyler dies and serfdom dies with him o Rise of freedom and lawlessness among commoners ● John Wilcof translates Bible from Latin to English o Serves as inspiration for writers of the time
1390s ● Queen Anne of Bohemia Dies ● Richard II marries princess Isabel of France o Ends the war with France ● Henry IV raises an army o Overthrows/Imprisons Richard II
1400s to Death October 28, Chaucer dies R.I.P. Chaucer
Sources ● " : The Middle Ages Continue." : The Middle Ages Continue. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec ● "Chronology of Geoffrey Chaucer's Life and times." Chronology of Geoffrey Chaucer's Life and times. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec ● "ENGLAND 1340 AD TO 1400 AD." EnglandAndEnglishHistory. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec ● "The History of English: Early Modern English." The History of English: Early Modern English. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec ● "Timeline: " Timeline: N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec