9/12/13 *I can use strong and thorough textual evidence to apply the different elements of the Hero’s Journey to a text. Read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight as a class. As class, go through an example of Separation: The Call. For homework, identify the rest of the steps in the hero’s journey.
Separation: The Call “I accept your challenge” (16). The Call is when the hero is invited to the adventure. This quote not only shows Gawain accepting the invitation, it shows him accepting it willingly.
Separation: The Threshold “He heard mass, bid the members of the court goodbye, and then galloped away on his horse, Gringolet” (21). The threshold is the area between the known and unknown. This quote shows Gawain leaving behind his comfort zone and leaving Camelot to face the Green Knight. This is his jumping off point.