1 New Media & Media Formats for Future Media Internet Theodore B. Zahariadis, PhD Synelixis Solutions Ltd 10 Farmakidou Av. GR34100, Greece
2 New Media for… Future Media Internet (FMI) FMI should enable: –New media experiences and seamless, personalised multimedia communications –Open competition between network infrastructure, service and content provides What is needed? –New media & New Media Formats –Content-Centric Architecture New media will consist of: –Multi-view, 3D and stereo representation of objects, –3D spatialized sound –non-visual information, describing expressions, emotions,… SYNELIXIS Proprietary
3 New Media as … Content Components Move from todays opaque stream of pixels and audio samples to … polymorphic and autonomous content components with spatial and temporal relationships as media containers and content-centric networking enablers. SYNELIXIS Proprietary
4 The Barbie Content Components Barbie is a Content Component (CC) She is a composition of CC available on the Internet Each component has: –Media (Content) –Characteristics (Description) –Relations (How the CC interacts with other CC) –Behaviour (How the CC affects the environment) –Rules (How the environment affects the CC) SYNELIXIS Proprietary
5 The Barbie Content Components Barbie CC has Skin The Skin is a CC The CC has characteristics e.g. color, texture CC may be created by selecting and mixing different skin colors SYNELIXIS Proprietary
6 The Barbie Content Components Barbie CC has Hair The Hair is a CC The CC has characteristics e.g. style, color CC may be created by selecting and mixing different styles and colors SYNELIXIS Proprietary
7 The Barbie Content Components Barbie CC has Eyes The Eyes is a CC The CC has characteristics e.g. style, color, shadows CC may be created by selecting and mixing different styles, colors, shadows SYNELIXIS Proprietary
8 The Barbie Content Components Barbie CC wears Cloths The Cloths is a CC The CC has characteristics e.g. style, color Based on the concept, context and surrounding e.g. school, dance, gym, CC may be created by selecting and mixing different styles, colors, shadows SYNELIXIS Proprietary
9 The Barbie Content Components She holds accessories The accessories is a … CC Composition It consists of other CC, e.g. shoes, purses,…. Based on the concept, context and surrounding e.g. school, dance, gym, CC may be created by selecting and mixing different styles, colors, shadows SYNELIXIS Proprietary
10 Barbie in the Future Media Internet Barbie, skin, hair, eyes, cloths, accessories are available in the Future Media Internet Anybody can create a Barbie new CC or CC composition Consider Barbie as interactive characters, things, worlds, videos, sounds, emotions,… which may be: –Captured/Produced and Stored/Cached –Dynamically searched and retrieved from the Internet –Constructed or reconstructed on the fly –Encoded and formatted, packetized and delivered –Rendered and presented SYNELIXIS Proprietary
11 Creating 3D worlds from 2D sketches SYNELIXIS Proprietary
12 Value of Content Components Create new content as Content Components Compositions. Re-use of components from existing content for the creation of new AV content, becomes much less cumbersome, allowing fast and easy media On-line collaboration to edit AV content is simplified Personalisation enters a new stage, evolving from a selection of prepared content to a just-in-time retrieval and composition Insertion of stored AV content into real-time communications is becoming feasible Combination of captured AV content with synthetic 3D content creates exciting mixed-reality experiences Network awareness, content protection and security are inherently offered SYNELIXIS Proprietary
13 New research challenges The number of CC will sharply increase, as todays multimedia files will split up into thousands of CC The play-out of a composed media experience may require the just- in-time combination of CC from multiple sources increasing the number of streams and creating new synchronisation challenges Popular CC receives millions of requests today, popular CC may receive hundreds of millions of requests tomorrow The advanced personalisation options will make content consumption patterns more heterogeneous New methods for CC retrieval, without flooding the network will be required Different types of delivering, beyond classical push and pull will be required. SYNELIXIS Proprietary
14 In the longer term Techniques and tools that: Automatically analyze in real time audio-visual scenes Segment audio-visual content into CC Resurrect the composing components. Capture and preserve 3D information and automatically generate the CC and their spatio- temporal relationships SYNELIXIS Proprietary
15 References Th. Zahariadis, P. Daras, J. Bouwen, N. Niebert, D. Griffin, F. Alvarez, E. Corchado, G. Camarillo, Towards a Content-Centric Internet FIA Stockholm, Nov , 2009 FCN Group, Future Internet Architecture. Future Content Networks perspective Prague, May 11-13, 2009 FCN Group, Why do we need a Content-Centric Internet? Proposals towards Content-Centric Internet Architectures, Prague, May 11-13, 2009 SEA Consortium Proprietary
16 Thank you Theodore B. Zahariadis, PhD Synelixis Solutions Ltd 10 Farmakidou Av. GR34100, Greece