LAI / CILIP Joint Conference Workshop A Public Libraries Strategy for Ireland John Dolan & Annette Kelly 11 April 2013
Background and Context Who is involved –Department of Environment Community and Local Government –Libraries Development, Local Government Management Agency –Steering Group –Library partners – CCLs, LAI Background to the strategy –Previous strategies –New strategy Political rationale National strategy + local delivery
SWOT on Libraries Strengths Popular. Nostalgia. Community value. Children. Literacy. Recent investment paid off. Weaknesses Inconsistent. Low awareness. Research/ Evidence. Dated (image). Slow to modernise Opportunities Partnership. Community engagement. Digital. Staff skills relevant. Sustainable libraries – Engaged, Relevant, Innovative Threats Competition. Lack of support. Stagnate. Investment not productive. Failure to meet needs of people and communities
The Strategy: Key strategic purpose Social /community –Community. Identity –Cohesion –Place to go, to be –Cultural Economic –Jobs –Entrepreneurs, SMEs, Start-ups –Creative industries –Digital economy –Tourism economy
Five strategic strands Human –Employability. Skills. SMEs. Entrepreneurial potential –Children, Young People and Families –Citizenship. Health. Community. Wellbeing Digital –Single national LMS –Web content. E-publications. Local e-publishing –Social Media –24/7 Physical –Right libraries in the right place Workforce –Leadership and Impact –Customer and Community –Learning and Development Research –Monitoring. Review, Evaluation. Innovation. Futures