Leicestershire Priorities 2011 and Beyond Revising the Sustainable Community Strategy
WHAT IS A COMMUNITY STRATEGY? Local authority responsibility to produce a Community Plan/ Strategy The Leicestershire Together partnership owns the Leicestershire Community Strategy A Community Strategy is a summary of the things that are important to local people and what we, together, are going to do about them These can include issues around: – Access to Services – Health – Education – Different groups in the Community (Young People/Older People)
BACKGROUND – COMMUNITY STRATEGY The current Sustainable Community Strategy for Leicestershire was produced in 2008, LWT group involved in developing Equality priorities Mid term review, prompted by: –Changes in National Government –the recession –reduction in budgets –personalisation
BACKGROUND – COMMUNITY STRATEGY The current Sustainable Community Strategy for Leicestershire was produced in 2008, LWT group involved in developing Equality priorities Mid term review, prompted by: –Changes in National Government –the recession –reduction in budgets –personalisation
WHAT ARE THE NEW PRIORITIES? A few examples of the revised priorities: Improved life chances for individuals and families More older people are able to live independent lives at home Improved health outcomes for people in Leicestershire, in particular a reduction in health inequalities Improved mental health and wellbeing Reduce re-offending, with a particular focus on earlier intervention with families with complex needs, and those at risk of becoming families with complex needs Public Services are delivered in the most efficient and effective way
WHAT NEXT? Partners will be developing sub-outcomes to sit underneath the Outcomes Partners, including yourselves have the opportunity to influence the outcomes and sub-outcomes Opportunity to influence how we monitor and communicate the progress the partnership are making with delivering outcomes
Communicating Progress on our Outcomes How will you know?
What do we do now? Online reporting of performance indicators (screen shots of TEN) Annual Performance Report (take hard copy of 08/09, screen shot of online version) Quarterly Reporting – Scrutiny, Cabinet, Leicestershire Together Board Online analysis tools – Eg Police Crime website Oneplace website – results of government inspections
What do you think of the current approach
How would you like us to communicate about how we are doing?
Options Knowledge Hub & LGG Inform Articles in Leicestershire Matters Articles in local press Dashboards / Visualisation e.g. places tool Accessibility Social Media e.g. Facebook, twitter, etc. Other advertising e.g. posters in Council venues or externally Public forums / meetings (e.g. community forums, parish council meetings, etc)
Participating in council consultations Utilising online expenditure information Utilising published performance information Participate in face to face and online opportunities to influence the council Participate in any council self- assessment/scrutiny activities Challenge elected members/ward councillors Through local elections How local people will hold councils to account