Global warming and sea level rise: Public discourse vs. the science of climate change Dr Harun Rashid Emeritus Professor Department of Geography and Earth Science University of Wisconsin— La Crosse, WI, USA
OBJECTIVES 1. To study newspaper roles in public discourse on global warming, climate change, and sea level rise 2. To review the coverage of Sustainability, Adaptation, and Mitigation (SAM) initiatives in newspaper discourse on ameliorative policies 3. To assess the nature and extent of media amplification of global warming and climate change in newspaper reports
RESEARCH METHODS Electronic resources: ProQuest and EBSCOHost Newspapers analyzed: 14 (6 US, 2 Canadian, 3 Australian, 1 NZ, 1 UK, 1 India) Reports analyzed: 40 (target: 200) Discourse analysis: Microsoft WORD count Total numbers of words analyzed: 30,000
Nature of discourseCoverage by all newspapers (Percent of the total text) Scientific elements18 Physical impacts11 Socioeconomic impacts13 Mitigation policies41 Public and media amplification17 Likert-scale rating of amplification1.39 S UMMARY OF D ISCOURSE A NALYSIS : Global warming and climate change
SCIENTIFIC ELEMENTS : Temperature trend lines
SCIENTIFIC ELEMENTS: IPCC data on temperature anomaly
SCIENTIFIC ELEMENTS: Increasing anthropogenic greenhouse gases
SCIENTIFIC ELEMENTS: Natural vs. anthropogenic greenhouse effect Astronomical factors Natural greenhouse gases: Water vapour Carbon dioxide Methane Anthropogenic greenhouse gases: Carbon dioxide Methane nitrous oxide CFCs Ozone (Ground level )
SCIENTIFIC ELEMENTS: Sunspot activities
SCIENTIFIC ELEMENTS: Computer simulations
SCIENTIFIC ELEMENTS: Carbon dioxide pollution
SCIENTIFIC ELEMENTS: Polluting countries
PHYSICAL IMPACTS: Forest fire in the US West
PHYSICAL IMPACTS: Forest fire in the Okanagan Valley
PHYSICAL IMPACTS: Drought in Kenya
PHYSICAL IMPACTS: Floating icebergs
PHYSICAL IMPACTS: Collapsing Antarctic Ice Shelves
MITIGATION: Emission reductions
MITIGATION: Carbon sequestration
MITIGATION: Iron fertilization
MITIGATION: Iron fertilization sites
MITIGATION: Algal bloom due to iron fertilization
MITIGATION: Geo-engineering in the stratosphere
S UMMARY OF D ISCOURSE A NALYSIS : Impact of global warming on sea-level rise Nature of discourseCoverage by all newspapers (Percent of the total text) Scientific elements14 Physical impacts15 Social impacts8 Mitigation policies40 Media amplification23 Amplification: Likert Scale Rating2.58
SCIENTIFIC ELEMENTS: Recent sea level rise
IPCC FIRST ASSESSMENT (1990): Sea level rise by 2100: Conservative estimate: 1 m rise (+3 C) Extreme scenario: 3 m rise (+5.5 C) IPCC 4 th ASSESSMENT (2007): Sea level rise by 2100: Conservative estimates: 0.18 to 0.59 m rise Thermal expansion contributes 75% of sea level rise
PHYSICAL IMPACTS: Impacts of sea-level rise in Bangladesh IPCC estimate (UNEP Map): Nightmare scenario for Bangladesh: 15 million people displaced from 17,000 km 2 Sea level rise accelerated by land subsidence
PHYSICAL IMPACTS: Accelerated river-bank erosion in Bangladesh
PHYSICAL IMPACTS: Coastal erosion in Florida
PHYSICAL IMPACTS: Tuvalu Island being threatened by rising sea level
PHYSICAL IMPACTS: Tuvalu highway inundated by breaking waves
PHYSICAL IMPACTS: Male, capital of the Maldives at risk
MITIGATION: Coastal polders and forest expansion in Bangladesh
MITIGATION: Delta sedimentation
MITIGATION: Elevated foundations of homes
MITIGATION: Resettlement of climate refugees in Tuvalu
MITIGATION: Resettlement of climate refugees in Bangladesh
MITIGATION: Resettlement of displaced population from river-bank erosion in Bangladesh
CONCLUSION: THE WAY AHEAD Newspaper discourse on science communication Sustainable mitigation measures: SAM initiatives Adaptive management