Thinking Outside the Box An Academic & Career Advising Approach
Where am I going? How do I get there? Now what? Why am I here? Who am I? STUDENT
What were your reasons for going to college? How do you feel about being here? Why? How do you think a college education factors into getting a good job? What do you think employers look for when deciding who to hire?
Self-knowledge aids in establishing or confirming criteria for your ideal career Exploration Understanding knowing yourself is important Discussion factors that enter into your plan
ACTIVITIES Advisee introduction form Airplane or Island Activity Describe Me Interests – Holland Based Phone a Friend Family Tree/Genogram Day In Their Future Assessments
Changing the advising mindset & reframe the discussion with students ▪ Reminder: Major doesn’t define the career! ▪ What are you going to do with that major? What are you going to do with that major? ▪ “You can do anything!”
Academics Major/Minor research ▪ Admission requirements? ▪ Interdisciplinary courses? ▪ Progress already? Faculty connections – Student Course projects
Activities Career clusters by Holland Code-O Net & OOH Career clusters Examples in Eagle Opportunities
Outside the classroom Informational interviews Job shadows Internships
Change your language Now “What are you going to do?” BUT “What could you do?” Utilize partners in Career Services Initiate the discussion of internships & career planning
Joint staff meetings Liaisons to college offices Follow Your Bliss Career Exploration Class Special visit days – Admissions Admissions Counselor Advising Suggestions Shadow a career advisor & vice versa Develop a cross-over position Relationship building with faculty allies Career Development Facilitator Training One last good idea……
Please share your ideas and we will share with the entire group Additional ideas – me and we will send out an to everyone.