Campaign planning Presentation for PSAY Workshop 2013
a campaign is a series of coordinated activities to achieve a social, political, economic or industrial goal
Advocacy Media Popular mobilisation Coalition-building Campaign components
Advocacy Direct lobbying Research Policy development Submissions Meetings Bargaining Reports Letters Relationship-building
Popular mobilisation Communication Education Petitions Letter-writing Public meetings Visual protest Rallies Social media Stop work meetings Industrial action Celebrities
Media Letters to the editor Opinion editorials Press releases Blogs Social media Talking to journalists Interviews Videos Publicity stunts
Coalition building
1)Identify the problem 2)Identify your overall goal 3)Identify your specific objectives 4)Identify what needs to change to achieve these objectives 5)Do a power & influence analysis ……. Planning a campaign
6)Identify your targets, allies and possible opponents 7)Develop a strategy to achieve your goal and objectives 8)Decide what tactics to use within this strategy 9)Consider your messaging 10)Plan for evaluation Planning a campaign
1)Identify the problem 2)Identify your overall goal 3)Identify your specific objectives 4)Identify what needs to change to achieve these objectives 5)Do a power & influence analysis 6)Identify your targets, allies and possible opponents 7)Develop a strategy to achieve your goal and objectives 8)Decide what tactics to use within this strategy 9)Consider your messaging 10)Plan for evaluation Planning a campaign
Problem Analysis What is the problem we want to fix? What is the current situation? Where do we want to be?
SMART Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-bound Objective setting
Who has the power to deliver the change you want to see? 1)Brainstorm 2)Draw a grid/map 3)Assess influence 4)Determine connections 5)Determine priority relationships 6)Keep updating the map! Power map
Check, check, check!
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