1 Background EEA A European Union institution Established by EU Regulation Staff: about 80 Budget: 22 Meuro Copenhagen EEA home page:
2 The EEA mission Through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policy making agents and the public, the EEA aims to help achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europes environment
3 EEA member and partner countries EU Member States + Norway Iceland Liechtenstein +East Europe, Malta, Cyprus (members in 2001) NIS
4 Main EEA reports 1999 : Environment in the EU at the turn of the century (State and Outlook/Scenarios) 2000+: Environmental signals; Transport and environment report; Energy and Environment report; Topic/thematic reports 2003 : Europe's Environment : third Assessment (Kiev report) 2004 : next State and Outlook report
EIONET E uropean Environmental Information and Observation Network National Focal Points National Reference Centres European Topic Centres (Air and climate change; Water; Waste; Nature and Biodiversity; Terrestrial Environment) Other national and international institutes
6 Main objectives for ETC Air and Climate Change 1.To provide support to framing and implementation of EU policy and legislation (EU-ECCP/GHG Monitoring Mechanism; CAFÉ/Air Quality Framework Directive) and the international conventions UNFCCC and CLRTAP. 2.To contribute to EEA main reports through assessments on air pollution and climate change (indicators and assessments of past trends, current state and scenarios) 3.To support member countries in their reporting to the European Commission and international conventions (data collection/ information systems EUROAIRNET, AIRBASE and CORINAIR; guidance/software tools; workshops)
7 Focus of ETC/ACC on GHG emissions/projections, less on state/impact EU GHG inventory GHG inventory software tools Report EU and MS greenhouse gas emission trends Report 'Analysis and comparison of national and EU projections of greenhouse emissions Support to Kyoto Protocol negotiations and the EU Monitoring Mechanism
8 Policy questions GHG emissions Progress in reducing total GHG emissions (towards KP and individual MS targets) ? Progress in reducing non-CO2 emissions and explain underlying activities (background activity indicators) ? Progress in improving emission intensity (non-CO2) for key source categories ? Progress in reducing CO2 emissions and improving energy efficiency for key source categories ?
9 EU15 Total GHG trends
10 MS and EU Distance to linear Burden Sharing target
11 CO2 from energy industries
12 CO2 from transport
13 Comparison national emission projections and EU-wide GHG emission projections by 2010 (1)
14 Comparison national emission projections and EU-wide GHG emission projections by 2010 (2)
15 Why is there a need for CC state/impact indicators ? Increase awareness that CC is already happening Show where adaptation measures can be needed Need to link to FCCC ultimate objective (possibly further GHG emission reductions beyond 2012): " to achieve … stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations …at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with climate change…… within a time-frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change; to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner"
16 Objectives of workshop and next steps Collect relevant information Select a preliminary core set of CC indicators Prepare a technical report on feasibility of CC indicators report for Europe Include CC indicators in Signals 2002/2003 Prepare possibly a separate EEA CC report (2003)