Phil 4:13 There is nothing I cannot do without the one who strengthens me GCSE Overview Edexcel Unit 16: Mark’s Gospel Unit 3: Religion and life based on Roman Catholic Christianity
You have to answer questions on all four topics in each exam. Both the RE exams you will sit follow this format and be sat in the summer of Year 11. "Faith without reason is blind, but reason without faith is empty"- Immanuel Kant Over view Both RE exams will contain four topics; Mark’s Gospel: Discipleship Conflict and Argument Death and Resurrection and Identity of Jesus. Catholic Christianity: Believing in God Matters of Life and Death Marriage and the Family Religion and Social Cohesion
Delivery In Year 10 we will cover two chapters from Unit 16 and two from Unit 3. – Unit 16 – Discipleship and Conflict and Argument – Unit 3 – Belief in God and Matters of life and death In Year 11 we will cover the remaining two chapters from each Unit. – Unit 3 – Marriage and the Family and Religion and Social Cohesion. – Unit 16 – Death and Resurrection and Identity of Jesus
Unit 16: Discipleship – Nature of Discipleship, Discipleship today – Costs and benefits – Problems of being a disciple – Problems of Modern Discipleship – Passage including: Parable of the sower; call of the first disciples and the Rich young man
Year 10
Unit 16: Conflict and Argument – How a range of passages show elements of conflict between Jesus and the Sanhedrin – How these may have led to Jesus’ Death – Passages including: Jesus predicts his death; Jesus enters Jerusalem; and a question about taxes – Plus significance for Christians today.
Unit 3: Belief in God Reasons for believing in God – upbringing, experiences, design and causation arguments Reasons for not believing in God – scientific explanations, evil and suffering – And the religious responses to these views
Unit 3: Matters of Life and Death – When life begins – What happens when we die – Issues of ethical dilemmas including abortion and euthanasia – Poverty
Year 11
Unit 3: Marriage and the Family Changing attitudes to marriage, family and gender Sex outside of marriage Contraception Homosexuality
Unit 3: Religion and Social Cohesion Role of Church in society Racism and discrimination Charity with specific reference to poverty Challenges of living in a multi religious society
Unit 16: Death and Resurrection – The events leading up to Jesus’ death, from Last Supper Trials – Events during his suffering; crucifixion – Events after; Burial Resurrection – Significance of all of these for Christians today.
Unit 16: Identity of Jesus – Nature and healing miracles which show us about Jesus – An exploration of the different titles used for Jesus – Understanding this today
Assessment These papers are formally assessed by 2 one and a half hour exam sat at the end of Year 11. Throughout the year students will be tested as they finish each section by sitting practice exam questions. This will be graded and recorded against their MEGs. During the sections quick quizzes, key words tests and exam questions will be set as an ongoing record of knowledge and progress In order to keep on top of this, specific homework tasks and more general revision is essential
Support Past papers, revision questions and activities available online at and the school website, in text books, on Fronter and from class teachers In addition: – Discuss – Debate – READ!