WELCOME China Business Week 2014 (ism KvK, RVO, NBSOs) Mark van den Boogaard Embassy Beijing
10/4/2015 Today’s Roadmap 80 minutes; 4 sessions 1.Overview China’s economy and trade & inv. Doing business; available support 2.Geographic dimension Going West Second tier cities 3.Sectoral dimension Agro & Food sector Multi-disciplanary support 4.Wrap up ‘Mini’ sector presentations Q&A
3 China’s Economy World’s second economy (after US) Still a political economy Trade surplus ($260 bln in 2013) Lower economic growth (7.7% in ‘13) Growth from investments and exports Former PM Wen Jiabao: ‘unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable’
10/4/2015 Sino-Dutch Trade NL imports: CH 3rd country of origin NL exports: CH 8th destination China 2nd non-EU trading partner NL second EU trading partner of CH Trade volume is steadily growing Trade deficit: 2/3 imports re-exported Export: equipment 25%, agro-food 17%, chemicals 17%, raw materials (recycling) 16%, mineral fuels 13%. Import: machines (pc’s, telecom, appliances) 63%, apparel, footwear, toys, etc.; 22%.
5 Investing in China Substantial NL investments : € 12 bln. NL: 8th investor in China; 2nd from EU offices of 757 NL companies all multinationals Significant number of SME’s ( incl 213 indiv.) Dutch companies are doing well: 70% Predict an increase in turnover, 60% in profitability & 53 % in investment China is becoming a strategic market Issues: market access, level playing field, IPR, operational issues.
Opportunities &… 12th five year plan; stability is the key How to produce sust. econ. growth?... ->Opportunities for innovative and sustainable solutions for challenges as: scarcity of energy sustainable urban development ageing and public health care food security/safety environment (air/water/soil quality) services Key question: is China ready to pay for foreign knowledge and technology?
Network/Resources Special Guest Government support instruments RVO Hong Kong Chamber
Funding by RVO.NL “Open” for China
NL Economic Network Embassy, 4 CGs, Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA), NBSO’s NL jobs & wealth through trade & Inv. Increasing number of NL exporters Attract investment to NL Return on NL investments in China Support technological cooperation Services provided in 2013: % trade and investment inquiries 15% facilitation 17% matchmaking 6% trouble shooting 3% market access issues
10/4/2015 The Case for West-China Guido Tielman Consulate Chongqing
Opportunities in 2nd tier cities Bas Overtoom NBSO Dalian
10/4/2015 Agri-Food & Horticulture Robbie Wang Consulate Hong Kong
Sector Introduction Creative industry in China Bas Overtoom NBSO Dalian
Sector Introduction High-Tech Bas Overtoom NBSO Dalian
Bas Overtoom NBSO Dalian Tips & trick for doing business in China
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