HEARING ON THE EGF Committee on Employment and Social Affairs 1st March 2012, Brussels
EGF Applications in Spain Type: -Globalisation: 5 / Economic crisis: 13 Intervention criteria art. 2 a: 1 / b: 16 / c: 1 Application year : -2008: 3 / 2009: 2 / 2010: 6 / 2011: 7 EGF per person Average EU: / Spain: 4.239
Applications by sectors - Automotive: 4 - Textiles: 3 - Construction: 2 - Wooden doors: 2 - Basic metals: 2 - Ceramics: 1 - Stone / marble: 1 - Retail trade: 1 - Footwear: 1
The EGF beneficiaries -Total : persons Disaggregation by sex (closed projects) 67,9% men – 32,1 % women
The actors NATIONAL LEVEL ESF Unit DG Employment REGIONAL LEVEL ESF Managing Units Regional employment services Consultancy firms Social Partners
The role of ESF Unit Responsability Information and advice. Assesment and evaluation of applications (foresee possible problems) Coordination Communication Monitoring Verification and supervision
Weaknesses Lack of experience of some promoters The Crisis Restrictions for beneficiaries Difficulties in rules interpretation Delays in project approval Lack of visibility Communication interferences
Strengths / Added value Individualised package of measures Flexibility Improvement of skills and competences of beneficiaries with a rise of self-esteems Territorial approach – actions on the ground Coordinated implementation and creation of sinergies High level of commitment and interest of beneficiaries Partnership between regional employment services and key actors
Recommendations & Messages Implementation by the regions The importance of respecting rules Give more information Fluent Communication Visit the projects (for detection of problems, good practices, support, advice and verification) Reporting to the Commission Sustainibility of crisis criteria Co – financing 65% Qualitative actions
Thanks for your attention EGF Spanish HEAD OF UNIT Carlos Tortuero Martin