City of Marshall 2014 Audit Kyle Meyers Governmental Services Partner
2014 Audit Results –Audit Opinion – unmodified or “clean” –Findings Financial statement preparation Audit and accounting adjustments
2014 Financial Results The City’s total net position increased by $2,399,449, compared to an increase of $4,430,219 in the previous year. General fund balance decreased by $1,789,137, which was budgeted; year-end unassigned fund balance at 50.0% of 2015 expenditure budget –Many other organizations, including the Office of the State Auditor (the OSA) and League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) recommend that a fund balance reserve be anywhere from 35 to 50 percent of planned expenditures. With a few exceptions, mostly all other City funds have positive fund balances. Debt service requirements steadily decrease over the next 10 years from about $4.3m in 2015 to $2.1m in Capital projects funds have significant unspent bond proceeds, which will be spent down in All enterprise funds currently have sufficient cash flows to fund operating costs and debt service payments and healthy cash reserves to pay 3 months of operating costs and one year of debt service payments.
Thanks! We appreciate the opportunity to serve the City of Marshall. Thanks to the City staff for their assistance during the audit process. Questions???