The Districts of Creativity. Creativity + entrepreneurship = innovation Technological Know How Societal, economical, market Know How New strategy New.


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Presentation transcript:

The Districts of Creativity

Creativity + entrepreneurship = innovation Technological Know How Societal, economical, market Know How New strategy New organisation New process New marketing New product New service New market New business model New management New societal solutions New education Creative talent/ability

3 Making entrepreneurial Flanders more creative Making creative Flanders more entrepreneurial

4 Our believe Strength= Creativity Innovation driven economy Prosperity per capita Productivity driven economy Strength= Efficiency Factor driven economy Strength= Low cost Flanders

5 Not only a believe Creative industry Total economy 3% 0,6% Employment growth

6 What we do Policy makers Companies Education General Public

7 International Collaboration: DC-network Oklahoma Québec Scotland Flanders Shanghai Qingdao Catalunya Rhône-Alpes Lombardia Baden-Württemberg Nord-Pas de Calais Karnataka Tampere

8 Big enough to matter Small enough to care Regions

9 Objectives > Benefits Exchange interesting practices Networking between relevant players Joint projects to stimulate creativity & innovation Joint innovative projects Enhancing business

10 Some projects

11 Differences Global, not European Challenges

12 And the EC? Open outlook for network collaboration with regions outside Europe Open view on creativity: more than creative sectors

Pascal Cools