POLAND Development Management System in Poland Brussels, 2 July 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

POLAND Development Management System in Poland Brussels, 2 July 2010

Challenges large number of unrelated strategies with mixed development (sectoral) objectives strong sectoral approach unclear relation between development policy and regional policy different spatial and socio-economic planning systems weak links between programming and operational levels lack of transparent financing system for development policy large number of unrelated strategies with mixed development (sectoral) objectives strong sectoral approach unclear relation between development policy and regional policy different spatial and socio-economic planning systems weak links between programming and operational levels lack of transparent financing system for development policy

Processes assessment of strategic documents legislation new systemic solutions administrative capacity enhancement instruments

Subsystems of development management model Programming subsystemProgramming subsystem – determination of development directions and preparation of strategic documents Institutional subsystemInstitutional subsystem – collaboration of entities involved in development policy Implementation subsystem (incl. monitoring, evaluation, financial issues and instruments) -Implementation subsystem (incl. monitoring, evaluation, financial issues and instruments) - efficient implementation of the development policy together with providing sufficient funds Time horizon for model implementation– autumn 2010 Time horizon for model implementation – autumn 2010

Programming Aims: to integrate three dimensions: social, economic and territorial and assure coherence between policies: sectoral, regional, field (long-term national development strategy, guidelines) to define the role of regional policy (national strategy for regional development) to reduce number of strategic documents and fill in the gaps (missing strategies) to assure coherence between strategies and programmes (compliance assessment, thematic links) Aims: to integrate three dimensions: social, economic and territorial and assure coherence between policies: sectoral, regional, field (long-term national development strategy, guidelines) to define the role of regional policy (national strategy for regional development) to reduce number of strategic documents and fill in the gaps (missing strategies) to assure coherence between strategies and programmes (compliance assessment, thematic links)

National Strategy of Regional Development Strategy for Sustainable Development of Rural areas and Agriculture National Security Strategy of the Republic of Poland Efficient State Energy Safety and Environment Transport Development Strategy Human Resources Development Strategy Strategy of Innovation and Economic Efficiency Social Capital Development Strategy Medium-term national development strategy Long-term national development strategy

Hierarchy of strategic documents Long-term financial plan Horizontal, long-term documents Horizontal, mid-term documents Other documents Long-term national development strategy ( social-economic and spatial development ) National Cohesion Strategy ( NCS ) Development strategies ( sector, field ) National strategy of regional development Development programmes Operational programmes Voivodships spatial arrangement policies Supra-regional strategies Voivodships development strategies Regional operational programmes Local development strategies (of villages and towns) Regional/local development programmes of the sector Study of conditions and directions of spatial arrangement at municipal level Local spatial arrangement strategy Development programmes Local sector strategies Mid-term national development strategy (economic, social and spatial dimension) National spatial arrangement study National Reforms Programme Convergence Programme Contract as an instrument of development policy coordination

Institutions Aims: to establish a strong intersectoral coordination body (Prime Ministers Chancellery) to change public administration approach from sectoral to horizontal (clusters of ministries) to involve all levels of public administration in attaining development goals Aims: to establish a strong intersectoral coordination body (Prime Ministers Chancellery) to change public administration approach from sectoral to horizontal (clusters of ministries) to involve all levels of public administration in attaining development goals

Institutions The Chancellery of the Prime MinisterThe Chancellery of the Prime Minister – initiating actions in accordance with the programme, verification and supervision function; Ministry of Regional Development (MRD)Ministry of Regional Development (MRD) – coordination function to the extent defined in appropriate act; Ministers, heads of central authorities officeslocal administrationMinisters, heads of central authorities offices and local administration i.e. institutions which are subject to coordination and which implement development policy; Other participantsOther participants (social and economic partners)

Institutions The Chancellery of the Prime Minister – preparing long-term national development strategy in cooperation with MRD Coordination Committee for Development Policy The Chancellery of the Prime Minister – defining strategic challenges in long term perspective, including preparing long-term national development strategy in cooperation with MRD, participation in the process of formulating mid-term strategic development goals, ensuring a proper functioning of Coordination Committee for Development Policy; MRD MRD – preparation of mid-term superior documents coordinating national development actions, defining and enforcing methodological standards and organisational procedures of the programming process. Competent ministers Competent ministers – preparation of lower rank documents i. e. sector development strategies, development programmes; Local authorities Local authorities – provincial development strategies, provincial programmes, regional operational programmes.

Implementation Aims to provide clear links between programming and implementation levels (compliance assessment) to review development policy instruments (effectiveness evaluation) to elaborate and disseminate best practices to assure financing Aims to provide clear links between programming and implementation levels (compliance assessment) to review development policy instruments (effectiveness evaluation) to elaborate and disseminate best practices to assure financing

Implementation Evaluation of effectiveness of particular development policy instruments –annual report on mid-term NDS realisation; –requirement of ex ante evaluation of development programmes; –report concerning socio-economic, regional and spatial development prepared every three years. Development of best practices and their popularisation –methodology of preparing strategic documents; –unified terminology related to strategic programming –course of training for public administration officers. Ensuring effective financing of development policy –long-term estimated financial programme; –performance budget; –new role of voivodship contracts

Key determinants and valuable solutions strong intersectoral coordination body – charisma, determination and authority of chairperson clusters of ministries – shift towards horizontal approach common framework strategic document (time frame and degree of details not so important) result –oriented management system and strong links between programming and implementation levels (compliance assessment, cross-analysis, core indicators) clear relation between development policy and regional policy (territorial dimension) legal base strong intersectoral coordination body – charisma, determination and authority of chairperson clusters of ministries – shift towards horizontal approach common framework strategic document (time frame and degree of details not so important) result –oriented management system and strong links between programming and implementation levels (compliance assessment, cross-analysis, core indicators) clear relation between development policy and regional policy (territorial dimension) legal base

Slow-downs slow pace of approach changes (from sectoral to horizontal) time-consuming process of documents review difficult timing of documents Mare understanding between budget and development experts lack of omnibus at different levels slow pace of approach changes (from sectoral to horizontal) time-consuming process of documents review difficult timing of documents Mare understanding between budget and development experts lack of omnibus at different levels

PL Presidency objectives conclusions of ministers (formal, if possible) Cohesion Policy regulations policy recommendations guidelines

PL Presidency core events Ministerial meetings Ministerial meetings Directors General (regional policy, territorial cohesion, urban development) – September Ministers (regional policy, territorial cohesion, urban development) – November Ministers (formal meeting within Council) – December Conferences Conferences Cohesion Policy - value added and evidence-based policy ESF and other funds and policies Transnational programmes Regional Policy – integrated approach to development Urbact

Thank you for your attention Ministry of Regional Development Wspólna St. 2/4, Warsaw