FOOD CRISIS? A CRITIQUE OF THE WASHINGTON CONSENSUS “When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist” - Don Helda Camara Dr. Tidings P. Ndhlovu Manchester Metropolitan University. UK Visiting Research Fellow, Graduate School of Business Leadership, University of South Africa (Unisa)
INTRODUCTION World population growth and urbanization (mega cities); hunger and undernourishment; sustainability? Econ Growth or Environmental Protection? Solutions : Indoor farming? Supply ↑ ? Liberalization? GMCs? Basic Needs Approach? Structural and political (re) organization? Paradox: over-supply ↔ hunger; production ↔ prices; Provisioning: Market Economy versus Moral Economy Empirical evidence: Paradox explained Alternative Approach: Abalimi Bezekhaya (South Africa) Concluding Thoughts
Source: UN (2014: 9)
Source: UN (2014: 7)
PROVISIONING: MARKET ECONOMY VERSUS MORAL ECONOMY Moral Economy (EP Thompson; Amartya Sen) Role of the State: Provisioning Social conflict: “Just Price” (UK); 1943 Bengal Famine; power; equity; distribution Market Economy (Adam Smith; Thomas Malthus) “natural” market forces Stability ensues: excess demand or supply is seen as a temporary phenomenon Laissez faire policies Uneven and Combined Development
EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FAO: March March 2008: Watershed in world ‘food crisis’ FAO Food Price Index up by 57% (cereals, 88%; oils and fats, 106%; dairy, 48%) Consequence - number of undernourished people increase by 75 million to a total of 923 million Revised figures for (taking account of weather conditions) – cereals ↑2%; wheat ↑6%; coarse grain ↑3%; rice↓2.3%; 867 million undernourished Price volatility: (Figure 3) 868 million malnourished; Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) Production (Figures 4 and 5)
Source: FAO, 2014: 2
Source: Brown, 2012: Supporting Data; Compiled by Earth Policy Institute from U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Source: Mulvey, 2009:3
PARADOX EXPLAINED “Perfect storm” (food & water shortages, climate change, high-cost energy)? Structural/Political economy? Geo-politics of food: hunger/malnutrition/schooling affected ↔ obesity/diabetes/hypertension/asthma/eczema Nature of food crisis o oil prices ↑ ~ cost of producing food (fertilizer and pesticides made from petroleum and natural gas) o bio-fuels: 20 – 30% of increase in food prices in 2008 o Subsidization of production of agro-fuels (USA, EU, Brazil) o Climatic change: cyclones; hurricanes, etc.; droughts; damaged crops; prices ↑
PARADOX EXPLAINED Speculative investment (accounting for 55% of total agricultural volume) Buying stocks; hoarding (e.g. rice) in expectation of future higher prices Land acquisitions – conflicts; refugees; MNCs – ‘socially responsible investment’ Privatization espoused by WTO and IMF Green Revolution – capital intensive techniques; environmental degradation Agro-industry: primary source of greenhouse gases; food and animal feed crops displaced to new areas; chronically hungry to increase by 600 million in 2080 Food value chain: Role of MNCs: centralization and concentration of capital
ALTERNATIVE APPROACH: ABALIMI BEZEKHAYA (SA) FoodBank South Africa (SA) Abalimi Bezekhaya (“Planters of home”): Western and Eastern Cape Collective non-profit voluntary micro associations Marketing wing: Harvest of Hope (HOH) Training Model: Community Gardens (Survival, Subsistence, Livelihood levels Sustainable Development Continuum Survival, Subsistence, Livelihood, Commercial phases Abalimi Sustainable Index Gender-sensitive and community-based system
The sustainable development continuum for organic micro farming projects Source: Abalimi Bezekhaya, 2013: 1
Concluding Thoughts Nature of the problem: hunger amidst plentiful supplies Failed World Bank policies do not address root of food security Tendency towards excess with periods of scarcity Hunger and undernourishment Control of agriculture and food policies by communities (not freer trade) ala Abalimi Bezekhaya o Structural and political change: agrarian reform; equitable production and distribution o Fundamental social transformation