Cells cell membrane cell organelle Cells cytoplasm nucleus mitochondria vacuole cell wall chloroplast microscope
What are plants and animals made of? cell (sel) The smallest unit of living matter that can carry out the basic processes of life. cell organelle organelle (ôr´gə nel´) Organelles are cell structures that work together to carry out life processes.
What are the organelles in animal cells? nucleus cytoplasm vacuoles cell membrane Animal Cell mitochondria cell membrane (sel mem´brān) The layer around the outside of a cell. cytoplasm (sī´tə´pla´zəm) The gel-like substance that fills a cell. nucleus (nü´klē əs) An object positioned at the center; in cells, the structure that controls all activity within a cell. mitochondria (mī´tə kon´drē ə) Structures within a cell that break down food and turn it into energy. vacuole (vak´ū ōl) A cell structure used for storage. cell membrane cytoplasm nucleus mitochondria vacuole
What are the organelles in plant cells? nucleus cytoplasm vacuole mitochondria cell membrane cell wall chloroplast cell wall (sel wol) An additional layer around the outside of plant cells. chloroplast (klôr´ə plast) Green structures inside plant cells that turn sunlight into food. cell wall chloroplast
How can cells be seen? microscope microscope (mī´krə skōp´) A tool that magnifies objects.
Review Main Idea Why are animal and plant cells different? All cells have structures which work together to keep the cell alive. Because they cannot move around, plants need cell structures that help them to conserve water and make their own food. Animals don’t need these structures. Animal cells have to be more flexible to allow the animals to move around.
Review Main Idea What are cells? Cells are the smallest units of a living thing that can carry out the basic processes of life.
Review Summarize What does the cell wall do in plants? The cell wall protects plants’ cells and gives them their shape. It lets food and waste move into and out of the cell. It provides extra support for the plant. The cell wall protects plants’ cells and gives them shape and support, while allowing food and waste to move into and out of the cell.
Review Vocabulary cellorganelles A) B) the layer around the outside of a cell structures that work together to help them perform life processes C) an object positioned at the center; in cells, the structure that controls all activity within a cell cell membrane D)the smallest unit of living matter that can carry out the basic processes of life E) the gel-like substance that fills a cell cytoplasm nucleus Match each word with its definition.
Review Vocabulary mitochondriavacuole A) B) a tool that magnifies objects a cell structure used for storage C) an additional layer around the outside of plant cells cell wall D)a green structure inside plant cells that turns sunlight into food E) structures within a cell that break down food and turn it into energy chloroplast microscope Match each word with its definition.
Review Reading Diagrams Which structures in plant and animal cells are the same? nucleus cytoplasm vacuole mitochondria cell membrane cell wall chloroplast