Preparation of Agar for Bacterial Swabs pH Levels of Gram- Negative Cytoplasm Common Zoonological Diseases Size of specific Bacteria in picometers Bacterial Meningitis Subtypes
Misc Types of Bacteria Bacterial Structures Shapes and Sizes Gram- Staining
Types of Bacteria – 10 Points QUESTION: Eukaryotes have this cell structure that Prokaryotes do not ANSWER: Nucleus
Types of Bacteria – 20 Points QUESTION: Methanogens convert CO2 and H2 into this gas ANSWER: Methane
Types of Bacteria – 30 Points QUESTION: A common place on earth to find a thermoacidophile would be ANSWER: A volcano
Types of Bacteria – 40 Points QUESTION: Of the two domains of Bacteria, this domain is more closely related to Eukaryotes ANSWER: Domain Archea
Types of Bacteria – 50 Points QUESTION: Halophiles use this to produce ATP ANSWER: Salt
Bacterial Structures – 10 Points QUESTION: The outermost layer of a bacteria is ANSWER: Capsule
Bacterial Structures – 20 Points QUESTION: Bacteria often use this appendage to propel themselves forward ANSWER: Flagellum
Bacterial Structures – 30 Points QUESTION: All bacteria contain genetic information in the form of either ANSWER: DNA or RNA
Bacterial Structures – 40 Points QUESTION: This is the liquid that all of the internal structures of a bacterial cell are contained in ANSWER: Cytoplasm
Bacterial Structures – 50 Points QUESTION: These internal foldings are used in cyanobacteria to generate energy in photosynthesis ANSWER: Thylakoids
Sizes and Shapes – 10 Points QUESTION: This type of bacteria are shaped like rods ANSWER: Bacillus
Sizes and Shapes – 20 Points QUESTION: Cocci type bacteria are similar to this shape ANSWER: Sphere or circle
Sizes and Shapes – 30 Points QUESTION: Streptococci would organize themselves in this manner ANSWER: Chain
Sizes and Shapes – 40 Points QUESTION: Large clusters of circular bacteria would be categorized as ANSWER: Staphylococci
Sizes and Shapes – 50 Points QUESTION: Spiral shaped bacteria are defined by this arrangement ANSWER: Spirilla
Gram-Staining – 10 Points QUESTION: This type of Bacteria Gram-Stains Purple ANSWER: Gram-Positive
Gram-Staining – 20 Points QUESTION: This type of bacteria Gram-stains pink or red ANSWER: Gram-Negative
Gram-Staining – 30 Points QUESTION: Gram-Positive bacteria have a simple cell wall that contain how much peptidoglycan ANSWER: Lots of peptidoglycan
Gram-Staining – 40 Points QUESTION: This type of bacteria have complex cell walls that lack peptidoglycan ANSWER: Gram-negative
Gram-Staining – 50 Points QUESTION: What part of the bacterial cell reacts with the Gram-stain ANSWER: Peptidoglycan
Miscellaneous – 10 Points QUESTION: The movement towards or away from a stimuli ANSWER: Taxis
Miscellaneous – 20 Points QUESTION: This type of recombination utilized DNA transfer through the pilus ANSWER: Conjugation
Miscellaneous – 30 Points QUESTION: This is the study of diseases ANSWER: Pathology
Miscellaneous – 40 Points QUESTION: Dead gram-negative bacterai excrete this poison ANSWER: Endotoxins
Miscellaneous – 50 Points QUESTION: An example of this process is when a tick bites a human and the human contracts Lyme disease ANSWER: Zoonosis