Public Finance Introduction Igor Baranov Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University
Page 2 Contact Information Instructor: –Dr. Igor Baranov, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University Web: Office hours: Tuesdays 2:30 – 3:30 pm, room 417 (Dekabristov pereulok) by appointment, room 227 (Volkhovsky pereulok)
Page 3 Graduated from St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance as an economist Internships / Visiting Research Fellow: Berkeley, Emory, University of Illinois (Chicago), HBS, NHH, Stockholm School of Economics, LSE, etc. Ph.D. dissertation on providing public goods in decentralized economies Teaching (BM, MIB, EMBA, ExecEd): Public Finance, Public Economics, Business and Government (Regulation Economics), Management Accounting, Accounting and Finance in Health Care Organizations, Microeconomics Research Interests: Competition in the Public Sector, Regulation, Performance Evaluation and Management in Health Care Professional Membership: ASPE, EEA, ISRICH, IIPF About instructor
Page 4 Instructor (Research Projects) GSOM, “Best Practices in Managing HCO”, 2007 USAID, “Analysis of Competition Prospects in Health Insurance”, Ministry of Education and Science, “Analysis and Improvement of University Economy Management”, 2004 Ministry of Finance of RF, “Financial Planning”, The Soros Foundation, “Contribution of Health Insurers to Better Quality and Accessibility of Health Care”, 2002–2003 Eurasia Foundation, “Development of Entrepreneurial Business-Community (in high-tech industries in Saint-Petersburg)”, USAID, “Regional Policy of Development of the Real Economy sector”, Fond Foundation, “Higher Economic Education in Russia: Challenges of Acquiring New Content”, RAO UES of Russia, “Energy Saving Program”, 2001 Ministry of Finance of RF, “Survey of Social Program Expenditure”, State Property Fund of RF, “Changes in Organizational Behavior in the Post-Privatization Period”, State Property Fund of RF, “Efficiency of Pledge Auctions”, 1997 INTAS, “Transition Economy: Local Public Sector in Russia”, EU Secretariat, “Fiscal Policy and Fiscal Federalism in Russia”,
Page 5 Course Goal and Objectives Goal: to develop students’ analytical skills in the area of public finance. Objectives: to introduce students to the public sector reform agenda with a focus on public finance issues; to demonstrate administrative, political, and economic constraints to public finance reforms; to develop analytical skills of the students in three major areas of public finance reforms (performance-based budgeting, mid-term financial planning, budget decentralization); to train students how to develop budgeting and performance evaluation systems for public sector institutions; to develop students’ skills on how to write a public policy paper and make a presentation on public policy issue.
Page 6 Course Layout Lectures Discussion sessions Budgeting project Public policy paper project Both projects are based on work in small groups (up to 4 participants)
Page 7 Topics Covered Introduction to Public Finance. Review of the Public Finance Reforms Budgeting and Performance Evaluation in Public Sector Organizations Performance-Based Budgeting Mid-Term Financial Planning Budget Federalism
Page 8 Grading Policy mid-term exam - 10% budgeting project (written and oral presentation) – 25% public policy paper (written report and presentation in class) – 25% final exam – 40%