Low Cost Infrastructure project SNCNW2003; Jan Markendahl
Starting point of research Wireless systems Data rates,capacity ~100 time larger than today -Cost ~ todays GSM voice services Current Cellular solutions -Cost ~ bandwidth, capacity Cost structure of cellular solutions today -Telecommunication equipment is not the dominant part of operator costs -Costs of Sites, Operation& Maintenance, Interconnection are the major costs for the network
Low Cost Infrastructure project Attack the problem from two sides Set of solutions Problem Reduce other costs than telecom equipment, e.g sites, planning Find good wireless solutions and ”trade off´s” between bandwidth, QoS, coverage and costs
Low Cost Infrastructure project
Use the current base station approach but make more cost efficient designs Use complex access points and reduce the number Use a large number of low complexity access points Move functionality from access points to the terminal Low Cost Infrastructure project Possible research directions
Low Cost Infrastructure project Research areas Use complex access points and reduce the number Use a large number of low complexity access points Move functionality from access points to the terminal AP´s with antenna arrays ”BIG cellular” Multiple Antenna terminals & MIMO processing Shared wireless networks Systems with MultipHop terminals AP´s for Local Access Providers AdHoc Heterogenious Networks
Low Cost Infrastructure project - WP´s AP´s with antenna arrays ”BIG cellular” Multiple Antenna terminals & MIMO processing Shared wireless networks Systems with MultipHop terminals AdHoc Heterogenious Networks WP3. Spatio temporal Designs WP2. Distributed AdHoc Infrastructure WP1. Infrastructure deployment strategies and business models AP´s for Local Access Providers Business models Cost structures
The project and the people Partners Stockholm School of Economics(SSE),FOI, SICS Ericsson, TeliaSonera Resources > 25 persons involved, 8 man years per year 5 KTH and FOI Scientists 6 PhD students 6 experts from Industry 4 senior scientists (advisors) from KTH, SSE, FOI 6 MSc thesis students every year Funding &Budget Project costs for 3 years ~ 12 MSEK Funding from SSF; KTH, FOI; Ericsson, TeliaSonera
Big Cellular Collaborative Antenna Systems Cellular Ad hoc Smart Repeater
Low Cost Infrastructure project Comment on business issues Learning curves, Moore`s law -Growth of performance/price is exponential New business models -dis-integration of vertical mobile market