Inside the Earth
Chemical Composition (What it is made of) Crust Mantle Core
The Crust Outer layer km thick 2 types of crust –O–Oceanic very dense, made of basalt, about 3 – 5 miles (8km) thick –C–Continental less dense, made of granite, about 25 miles(32km) thick. Made of: aluminum, calcium, iron, magnesium, oxygen, potassium, silicon, sodium
Oceanic and Continental Crust
The Mantle Middle layer Very thick layer, extends from 200 km to 3000 km; approx. 2,900 km thick The largest layer A dense, hot layer of semi-solid rock Made of: silicon, iron, oxygen, magnesium 80% of volume, 68% of mass
The Core Made mostly of iron and some nickel 1/3 of the earth’s mass Very hot A ball of very hot, dense metals
The Core Core, which is nearly twice as dense as the mantle because it composition is metallic (iron-nickel alloy) rather than stony. The core is made up of two parts, a thick liquid center and a thick solid inner core. The liquid core spins, creating the Earth’s magnetic field.
Physical Structure of the Earth (5 Layers) Lithosphere- rigid outer layer (crust) Asthenosphere- solid rock that flows slowly (like hot asphalt) Mesosphere- middle layer Outer Core- liquid layer Inner Core- solid, very dense
Lithosphere The crust and upper layer of the mantle The lithosphere is –rigid and solid, but also brittle –broken into pieces called plates that are moving –where volcanoes form
Asthenosphere The semi-solid, semi-liquid in the mantle Flows like hot asphalt under a heavy weight (called plasticity) 700 km deep Convection currents occur here, that cause the plates of the lithosphere to move
Mesosphere Most of the mantle A very thick, semi-liquid layer
Outer Core Liquid iron & nickel Extremely hot (3800° C) 2200 km thick
Inner Core The hot metals are under so much pressure they are a solid Solid iron & nickel 5000° C Diameter of 2400 km
Earth’s Layers How are the earth’s layers similar to an egg? Shell=crust Egg white=mantle Yolk=core