A 70 years old woman with a left lung nodule General weakness 가 5 개월 전부터 간헐 적으로 있었으며, 1 개월 전 local clinic 에서 시행한 chest PA 와 chest CT 상 left lung 에 13mm 의 lung nodule 이 발견되어 further evaluation 위해 내원함.
SPN in lingular division of left upper lobe
Gun biopsy: Cellular cores of epithelioid cells
Tumor cells composed of oval or polygonal cells with noderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasms
Tumor cells composed of oval or polygonal cells with noderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. A few cells having clear cytoplasm is also found.
Intranuclear inclusions are frequently seen.
Solid pattern of sclerosing hemangioma
Definition of Sclerosing hemangioma A lung tumor with a distinctive constellation of histologic findings including: solid, papillary, sclerotic, and hemorrhagic patterns. Hyperplastic type II pneumocytes line the surface of the papillary structures. Cholesterol clefts, chronic inflammation, calcification, laminated scroli-like whorls, necrosis, and mature fat may be present. Synonyms and historical notation: pneumocytoma, papillary pneumocytoma - It was named sclerosing hemangioma as if was originally believed to be vascular in origin due to prominent angiomatoid feateres. Current consensus favors a benign or very low- grade neoplasm arising from primitive respiratory epithelium.