Polar Bear By: Olivia Mendoza-Scott
Characteristics Polar bears are mammals. Polar bears are warm blooded. They are vertebrates. Polar bear cubs are deaf and cannot see. Polar Bears have blubber so they can keep warm.
Habitat Polar Bears can live in the artic. Polar Bears can live in Alaska, Canada, Green Land, Norway and Russia. They can also live along coasts. They live on ice and in the tundra.
Food Polar Bears can eat seals, walruses, fish, and other animals and plants in the artic. They eat berries, seaweed, and grass. They can eat 105 pounds of food. They often hunt ringed seals.
Fun Facts In Latin polar bear can mean Sea bear. A polar bear’s temperature can be 98 degrees. Polar bears can doggy paddle. In snowstorms a polar bear can dig a small hole in the snow and curl up and wait for it to stop snowing. The polar bear has 24 teeth to bite other animals.