Frozen Animals By Year 1
Contents Page Arctic Fox 3 Arctic Hare 4 Penguins 5 Seals 6 Polar Bears 7 Snow Leopard 8
Arctic Fox Name They are incredibly hardy animals because they survive in seriously low temperatures. Description The Arctic fox is small and has white fur on the bottom of there feet. Habitat The Arctic fox lives in the Arctic. Important facts The Arctic fox eat small mammals, birds, insects, eggs and berries. Did you know? Arctic foxes have thick fur on their paws which allows them to walk on snow and ice. Arctic are hunted by Polar Bears. By Lillie Roberts, Amy Sennitt, Tom Rusling and Liam Stubbins
Arctic Hare Name The Arctic Hare is a wild animal, a strong runner and a clever survivor. Description It has thick white fur. It has shorter ears than a rabbit but are taller. Habitat They live in the Arctic Circle mainly in Greenland and the North Pole. Important Facts They eat shoots, buds and juicy berries. Did you know? Arctic Hares are fast and can bound at speeds of up to 40 miles an hour. Arctic Hares are fast. By Beth Patton, Millie White, Ridley Taylor and Harry Walker
Penguins Name Penguins are flightless birds. Description Some penguins have yellow feathers Name Penguins are flightless birds. Description They have black and white feathers they also have shiny waterproof feathers. Habitat They live in the Antarctica. Important facts They eat krill, fish and squid. Also they drink salt water or fresh water. Did you know? They sleep at any time of the day. By Bethany Fawkes, Natasha Clayton, Chloe Demsey, Isaac O'Niel and Layton Frear
Seals Name Seals have long bodies and also have webbed feet. This is a Whitecoat seal Name Seals have long bodies and also have webbed feet. Description They have long bodies and they are sometimes brown, grey or white. They have whiskers and they can swim very fast. Habitat They live in the Arctic and the Antarctica where it is very cold. Important Facts They eats fish and shellfish. By Mason McDaid, Siah Saeed, Alexander Heathcote and Hayden Airey
Polar Bears Name Polar Bears are magnificent, huge animals. Description Polar Bear have white fur and black noses and black paws and they are huge. Habitat They live in the Arctic area where they can hunt. Important facts Polar bears are meat eaters so they eat seals, arctic foxes, fish, sea birds and reindeers. Did you know? Polar bears sleep underwater. Their fur is very thick to keep them warm. By George Favill, Jake Fisher, Jordan McKay and Alysha Mumby
Snow Leopard Name Snow leopards are a large cats with big whiskers. Snow Leopards are fast. Name Snow leopards are a large cats with big whiskers. Description They have grey fur with big black spots and a white under belly. Habitat They live in the snowy mountains of Central Asia. Important Facts They eat rodents, monkeys and birds. Did you know They are known for their beautiful fur. By Nicholas Fuller, Evie Ahston, Caitlin Blyth, Hayden Keast, Rio Adams and Jaden Miall