Clean Energy for a Clean Environment October 15 2 Martifer SGPS is a group of approximately 40 companies divided by five activities sectors. Our internationalization process and the diversification of our business activities, specially dedicated to the energy sector, as in the production/distribution, as a technology supplier, passing trough our Retail and Warehousing projects are our main challenges nowadays. Who we are
Clean Energy for a Clean Environment October 15 3 Where we are
Clean Energy for a Clean Environment October 15 4 References Dragão StadiumAlvalade XXI StadiumLuz StadiumGran Plaza Shopping Center Wind energy – assembly and production Biodiesel Plants Instalation and Biodiesel production Photovoltaic panels – Solar energy Equipments production for wave energy Wind parks; Photovoltaic parks Mini-hydro centrals
Clean Energy for a Clean Environment October 15 5 Opportunity and Challenge The ecological concerns, nowadays, lead us to create environmental sustainable combustion solutions to low the percentage of damages for the environment; Follow this line MARTIFER has created a sub- holding, for the production and promotion of advanced fuels, named PRIO, once again one step forward to the future.
Clean Energy for a Clean Environment October 15 6 Structure PRIO SGPS PRIO AGRICULTURE PRIO BIOFUELS PRIO ADVANCED FUELS Portugal Romania Brazil Portugal Romania Portugal PRIO TRADING & LOGISTIC Portugal Poland
Clean Energy for a Clean Environment October 15 7 Activity BIOFUELS ADVANCED FUELS AGRICULTURE
Clean Energy for a Clean Environment October 15 8 What is Biodiesel? Natural fuel, derived from renewable sources as vegetable oils (rape, soya, sun and palm oil); FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester); To be used in all diesel engines, without any modification; Superior lubricity properties; Biologically decomposable; To be used blended (B5, B20, B50,…) or as a substitute of mineral diesel (B100).
Our Plants
Competitive advantages
Clean Energy for a Clean Environment October Why Biodiesel? Low emissions, particularly “0” sulphur emissions; Vehicle to develop industry and agriculture; Reduce the dependency from mineral fuels; Kyoto Protocol and European Directive CE 2003/30.
Clean Energy for a Clean Environment October Biodiesel Production in Europe Target for 2010 (5,75%): ~ 12 Million tonnes Total or partially exempted
Clean Energy for a Clean Environment October Biodiesel Production in Romania One of the most promissory biodiesel raw-materials supplier in the EU-27; Actual production facilities: small producers; Several large-scale projects on the pipeline; 2% of incorporation starting from 1st July 2007; Partially exempted: 259,91€/m 3 ; PRIO will be the first large scale producer until the end of First Movers Advantage;
Clean Energy for a Clean Environment October Biodiesel Plant in Lehliu, ROMANIA
Clean Energy for a Clean Environment October Biodiesel Plant in Aveiro, PORTUGAL
Clean Energy for a Clean Environment October Our contacts PRIO BIOCOMBUSTIBIL, SRL Str. Dr. Raureanu Nr.1, Etaj 1,Sector 5 Bucuresti, Romania Tel: Fax: