Athens, 24 April 2012 Bernd Decker, Rupprecht Consult Introduction to CIVITAS‘ definition of “Transport Demand Management Strategies“ and a Snapshot of its Results
Why dealing with Transport Demand Management Strategies? Transport demand 60% CO2 reduction of transport by 2050 Financial crisis What will be long- term effects on transport investments? Ageing population 30% over 65 by 2050 How to ensure access? Migration and urban development 80% live in urban areas How to create effective mobility systems? Oil dependence Still 90% oil by 2020? Are alternative fuels the solution? CIVITAS Transport Demand Management Strategies Athens 24 April 2012 Rupprecht Consult “A clean queue is still a queue” (Helen Holland)
CIVITAS Transport Demand Management Strategies Athens 24 April 2012 Rupprecht Consult Why dealing with Transport Demand Management Strategies? For cars? “A clean queue is still a queue” (Helen Holland)
CIVITAS Transport Demand Management Strategies Athens 24 April 2012 Rupprecht Consult Why dealing with Transport Demand Management Strategies? For people!
CIVITAS Transport Demand Management Strategies Athens 24 April 2012 Rupprecht Consult Status? Behaviour?
What is transport demand management? “Transport demand management, traffic demand management or travel demand management is the application of strategies and policies to reduce travel demand (specifically that of single- occupancy private vehicles), or to redistribute this demand in space or in time.” (U.S. Department of Transportation) CIVITAS Transport Demand Management Strategies Athens 24 April 2012 Rupprecht Consult
Demand Management Strategies in CIVITAS Demand management strategies can reduce traffic through economic incentives, regulatory measures and modern communication technologies CIVITAS cities experiment with and share lessons: access restrictions pricing strategies special parking tariffs for low-emission vehicles financial rewards for avoiding peak times “mobility credits” schemes that attaches a financial value to saving or exceeding emissions marketing campaigns CIVITAS Transport Demand Management Strategies Athens 24 April 2012 Rupprecht Consult
Demonstration programme funded by EU Aim: Testing integrated packages of measures for clean urban transport (780 + measures) 450+ Mio € budget with 200 Mio € EU funding (FP RTD) Start in 2002; fourth round of projects is under negotiation Programme for cities & led by cities Political commitment & involvement as basic requirements (17 "political advisors") 67 (funded) demonstration cities 200+ cities are members of CIVITAS Network CIVITAS Transport Demand Management Strategies Athens 24 April 2012 Rupprecht Consult
One of eight CIVITAS policy fields CIVITAS supports cities in testing integrated packages of innovative solutions to major policy challenges: Clean fuels and vehicles Collective passenger transport Demand management strategies Mobility management Safety and security Car-independent lifestyles Urban freight logistics Transport telematics CIVITAS Transport Demand Management Strategies Athens 24 April 2012 Rupprecht Consult
One of the CIVITAS thematic groups Clean fuels and vehicles Collective transport Demand management strategies Mobility management Safety and security Car-independent lifestyle Urban freight logistics Transport telematics Public participation Integrated planning A good example for the importance of policy and measure integration A means to address various urban challenges CIVITAS Transport Demand Management Strategies Athens 24 April 2012 Rupprecht Consult
Snapshot of results - Aalborg Aalborg implemented an environmental zone with specific restrictions on heavy goods vehicles to improve pollution levels in the city centre. Share of lorries with Euro IV or newer had increased from 28% in 2008 to 54% in 2010 Changes in air quality under evaluation CIVITAS Transport Demand Management Strategies Athens 24 April 2012 Rupprecht Consult
Snapshot of results - Genoa Package of integrated measures with a unitary plan to assure the accessibility of the city Integrated access control system for historical centre 100 new clean vehicles and 17 km high mobility corridors Parking pricing scheme widely applied (further extensions are ongoing); Pricing scheme based on mobility credits concept for goods distribution (first test case worldwide) Car sharing scheme with a yearly saving of litres fuel and more than tons CO2. Change in mobility habits of the citizens! CIVITAS Transport Demand Management Strategies Athens 24 April 2012 Rupprecht Consult
Snapshot of results - Stockholm Stockholm integrated package Congestion charging (22% decreases in traffic), biogas fuelled public transport vehicles (324 during CIVITAS I project), public transport promotion (increase of 3% in public transport travel) Environmental effects 3% increase due to Collective Passenger Transport promotion and congestion charging Multiplying the environmental effect of clean vehicles and fuels as this 3% of increased public transport passengers replaced their polluting private car travel by a travel in a clean fuelled public transport CIVITAS Transport Demand Management Strategies Athens 24 April 2012 Rupprecht Consult
Multiplying effects through integrated implementation Environmental effects Promotion of Transport Demand Management strategies together with clean vehicles, public transport and soft mobility Socio-economic effects Improvement of business opportunities and neighbourhood initiatives in less congested cities Changes in mobility behaviour ‘Carrot and stick’ approach for changing mobility behaviour towards sustainable modes Improved traffic conditions, safety, security, accessibility Positive impacts on traffic and transport management and urban design CIVITAS Transport Demand Management Strategies Athens 24 April 2012 Rupprecht Consult
Snapshot of process evaluation results Funding Needs to be long-term and continuous (avoid permanent negotiation process) User needs Important to take into account that passengers strive for smooth and few interchanges User needs analyses important, but staged implementation useful for innovative services Soft measures Inexpensive and efficient, especially when combined with infrastructure investments Cooperation Prerequisite of intermodal services Complex interaction for info & ticketing CIVITAS Transport Demand Management Strategies Athens 24 April 2012 Rupprecht Consult
CIVITAS Lessons Economy - Sustainable mobility creates better business conditions & has an excellent cost- benefit ratio Energy - Modal shift from the private car is the crucial factor, long-term results from sharing & energy-efficient vehicles Environment - Cleaner vehicles & sharing with direct impacts (air & noise), awareness campaigns ultimately lead to behavioural change Society - Increased quality of life in more attractive cities, long-term impacts from environmental improvements, health, and safety CIVITAS Transport Demand Management Strategies Athens 24 April 2012 Rupprecht Consult
More information on CIVITAS website CIVITAS Transport Demand Management Strategies Athens 24 April 2012 Rupprecht Consult
Thank you Bernd Decker Rupprecht Consult GmbH Clever Strasse Cologne, Germany CIVITAS Transport Demand Management Strategies Athens 24 April 2012 Rupprecht Consult