Administrative Fees What’s Changed? ALL fees will be collected by the Division of Purchasing Fees apply to POs, CPOs, BPOs, SBPOs with an INITIAL CONTRACT AWARDED VALUE greater than $100,000 NO FEE will apply on renewal or to amendments The requirement is included in the Standard Terms and Conditions AND in the ITB and RFP templates DOP will invoice contractors on POs and CPOs. Invoicing is based on the delivery date for commodities; invoicing dates/fee payment structure will be negotiated for longer-term service contracts BPOs and SBPOs will continue as in the past – Contractors will submit usage reports and pay the fee quarterly, based on usage
IDAPA The proposed rule modifications have been posted to our website (the legislature will be reviewing the rules this session) We have also posted a draft policy directive and exemption request forms related to the “high dollar service contract” requirements that are in the proposed IDAPA rules. These additional requirements for high dollar service contracts (including project planning, an oversight board, third party validation and contract monitoring) may be waived by the Administrator, if the agency can demonstrate that it has equivalent processes in place for the project Only a few contracts will be subject to these additional requirements on an annual basis. DOP has met with the Directors at the agencies most likely to be impacted; and has follow up meetings planned in the next week or so to review the proposed exemption policy The official comment period has closed; however, if you have comments or questions, please contact either Bill or Sarah or submit via
Website We have removed the Purchasing Guide from the website, as it has not been updated for some time (we need to update based on process changes, Policy Directives, as well as changes which may be impacted by any updated IDAPA rules) The Desk Manual was intended to replace much of the Purchasing Guide, at least from a practical standpoint; the Desk Manual is linked on our main page, and contains hyperlinks to forms, Code and other resources We will be updating the “old” Purchasing Guide over the next year (waiting in part for any modifications to IDAPA) and will alert you when it is re-posted
Survey We’ve received the results of the latest DOP survey. It was sent out to a very wide audience – we released it on idpurch – so we had a much larger response that in past years We had several comments about increasing communication to the agencies and improving consistency in our responses; over the past year we’ve put in place regular meetings with several of the large agencies; we’ve held “agency-wide” trainings; and now have our agency liaisons re-assigned, based on increased staffing – so if you haven’t heard from your liaison, you will be; we will continue to work on improving communication with all of the agencies that we serve; if you have specific (constructive) suggestions, please share them with us We also had feedback requesting an alternate format for these quarterly workshops; we’d like to hear from you on what you would like to see in the workshops WE would love to see more agency participation/agency presenters
WSCA UPDATES WSCA solicitations are issued by various “lead” states, with the assistance of a sourcing team made up of various state representatives When a potential WSCA solicitation is announced, our first inquiry is whether or not Idaho would be interested in participating (for some commodities or services for which we can identify specific using agencies, we will poll these agencies to determine the level of interest, e.g. ammunition, snowplow cutting edges, etc.) If we want to preserve the opportunity to participate, we must post information related to the solicitation on our eProcurement system in order to issue a PADD from the resulting master agreement (to meet the statutory requirement of soliciting responses from a minimum of three vendors with a significant Idaho economic presence) Once the awards are made by the lead state, we review the process conducted by the other state to be certain that it meets Idaho’s procurement requirements, prior to entering into a PADD
WSCA UPDATES A few projects of note: Idaho is leading the Lab Equipment re-solicitation (Chelsea is the lead) Idaho will be leading a new solicitation for “credit monitoring” (Valerie is the lead). If you know of anyone in your agencies who may be interested in contributing as an SME, let Valerie know (Labor? Tax? DHW? ITD? Others who hold/electronically transmit personal information?) Copier contracts are being finalized by NV and we should see those in a month or so and plan to move forward with new PADDs (by April 2014) Public Safety Radios have been extended through March, 2015; new master contracts will be in place soon and we will be looking at executing new PADDs (thank you to IMD and BHS – for the participation of Robert Hugi) New Mexico is leading the solicitation for managed print (we’ll review the RFP when it is finalized and will be reaching out to interested Idaho state agencies to comment on the RFP and help determine whether Idaho would be interested in participating); the “pre-release” industry meeting is scheduled for mid-November
WSCA UPDATES For ITD – thank you to Steve Spoor for participating as an SME on the sourcing team (led by VT) for snowplow cutting edges; those contracts will be in place soon Auto Parts will be re-solicited by California soon The PC contracts are still being finalized by the state of MN; our intent was to exercise the leasing option in the new contracts, to allow for leasing as a procurement vehicle (since our IT Leasing contract with ePlus has expired) Telephone based interpreter services will be released soon; we have signed an intent to participate Surveys have been released for “Electronic Content Management,” and “Temporary Employment Services” as WSCA administrative staff are determining the level of interest in these projects