Buying Local Buying Local Makes a Difference
Five Reasons to Buy Local Local food tastes better and it’s better for you Local food supports local farm families Local food protects food diversity Local food preserves open space and supports a clean environment Local food is about the future
Tastes Better Tell the buyer why it tastes better Let them taste it Give them a recipe — something you’d cook Quality is everything
Supports Local Farm Families You are part of the product People by from people, not companies People are willing to pay more and put more effort into purchases they can trust
Protects Food Diversity You can grow items that cannot be sold in a grocery store You have more time with a customer than someone in a grocery store does to educate a customer on the benefits of a product or variety Be able to tell them why you grow a particular variety
Preserves Open Space and Supports a Clean Environment Thinking “green” is at an all time high Choosing local food is the first (and easiest) steps Tell the customer what you do—practices that protect the water, soil—and food Bottom line—local food cuts down on food miles
Local food is about the Future Supporting local farmers today ensures that there will be farms producing nourishing, flavorful and abundant food in our community tomorrow
Resources Buy Fresh, Buy Local / Arkansas Grown Slow Food Seed Savers / Seeds of Change Growing for Market Edible Memphis Magazine