LATTICE TECHNOLOGY, INC. For Version 4.0 and later XVL Reducer Tutorial For Version 4.0 and later
January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 2 Objectives By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to perform the following operations from Command Prompt: –remove smaller holes than specified diameter –remove invisible elements –remove smaller elements than specified size –remove hidden shells –remove wire / independent shells –remove layers –remove materials
January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 3 Agenda Preserving Empty Body Groups Removing Hidden Shells Removing Independent Wire and Point Shells Removing or Simplifying Small Geometries Removing Layers Removing Materials Aggregating Faces of Surfaces and Edges of Wire Shells Reducing Control Points of a Surfaces and Edges Removing Small Holes and Projections Removing Invisible Surfaces from Outside Converting P-XVL File to V-XVL File Converting XVL File to Polygon-based XVL File
January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 4 Necessary Files In order to execute XVL Reducer, you need the following files: –xvlreducer.exeCommand line application main unit –xerces-c_1_3x.dllXerces-C++ DLL for reading/writing –xvl-lock_1_2.dllDLL to be used by xvlreducer.exe –xvl-ulock_1_0.dllDLL to be used by xvlreducer.exe –MSVCP60.dllDLL to be used by xvlreducer.exe * These files are located in: \Lt_Reducer\Bin\
January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 5 Common Syntax Basic Format: xvlreducer.exe [-v xvl_version] [-l host_name port_number] [-u user] [-g user_password] [-p file_password] {options...} ParameterDescription -v xvl_version Specifies the version of the XVL file when writing an XVL file. -l host_name port_number Specify host name and port number of license server. -u user Specify a user group name. (When XVL file is protected by XVL Signer) -g user_password Specify a user group password. (When XVL file is protected by XVL Signer) -p file_password Specify a file –specific password. (When XVL file is protected by XVL Signer) Specify an XVL file to input. Specify an XVL file to output.
Lattice Technology, Inc. Processing for all Model types January 20126
The -b option will not delete Body groups when other options removes the shells originally defined inside those groups. January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 7 Preserving Empty Body Groups: -b Basic Format: xvlreducer.exe –b * This option is prepared for keeping the groups originally defined in the VRML2 format. Without this option, XVL Reducer removes Body groups that have no shells after the reduction process.
The –h option will delete hidden shells. January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 8 Removing Hidden Shells: -h Basic Format: xvlreducer.exe –h Output Parts are hidden. Hidden shells are deleted.
The –w option will delete independent wire (edge) and point shells. January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 9 Removing Independent Wire and Point Shells: -w Basic Format: xvlreducer.exe –w ParameterDescription mode Select one processing from each as the operation mode and specify the sum value. 0 Do not remove wire shells. 1 Remove wire shells. 0 Do not remove isolated point shells. 2 Remove isolated point shells. Output Shells are deleted.
The –o option will remove or simplify smaller geometries than the specified size. January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 10 Removing or Simplifying Small Geometries: -o Basic Format: xvlreducer.exe –o mode ParameterDescription -o mode Select one processing from each as the operation mode and specify the sum value. 0 Determine for each shell whether the relevant shape is small or not, and process it. 1 Determine for each body whether the relevant shape is small or not, and process it. 0 Remove any small shapes 4 Out of small shapes, convert solid/surface shells into a rectangular solid. Remove wire shells and isolated point shells. length Specify the value to use when determining whether it is small or not. Output Shells are deleted.
The –y option will remove all layers. January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 11 Removing Layers: -y Basic Format: xvlreducer.exe –y Output All layers are deleted.
The –m option will remove all materials. January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 12 Removing Materials: -m Basic Format: xvlreducer.exe –m Output All materials are deleted.
Lattice Technology, Inc. Processing for P-XVL Surface Models January
The –m option will glue surfaces of surface shells and edge lines of wire shells. January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 14 Gluing surfaces and edge: -s Basic Format: xvlreducer.exe –s ParameterDescription modeAlways specify "2" as the operation mode (for future expansion). toleranceSpecify the tolerance to determine whether to glue or not. * The recommended range for the tolerance value is to 0.1. Larger tolerance values may cause XVL Reducer to glue unexpected surfaces and create degenerate geometries.
The –m option will reduces the number of control points of Curved Surfaces and Lines for surface shells and Curved Lines of wire shells. January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 15 Reducing Control Points of a Surfaces and Edges: -c Basic Format: xvlreducer.exe –c ParameterDescription modeAlways specify "2" as the operation mode (for future expansion). toleranceSpecify the tolerance for reducing the number of control points. * The recommended range for the tolerance value is to 10.0.This is the same tolerance value that is used for simplification when converting CAD files.
The –e option will delete holes and progrusions. January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 16 Removing Holes and Protrusions: -e Basic Format: xvlreducer.exe –e ParameterDescription modeAlways specify "0" as the operation mode (for future expansion). toleranceSpecify a value to determine the size of the hole and protrusion. Output Small holes and protrusions are deleted.
The -z option will convert P-XVL file into V-XVL file. January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 17 Converting P-XVL File to V-XVL File : -z Basic Format: xvlreducer.exe -v 10 -z ParameterDescription mode Select one of the following processing as the operation mode and specify the value. Use the mode 16 as default. 0 Do not consolidate shells. 16 Consolidate shells belonging to the body for each type, such as "surface", "wire", "isolated point", to reduce the number of shells. toleranceSpecify the tolerance (conversion precision) for conversion into a V-XVL model. Output P-XVL V-XVL
Lattice Technology, Inc. Processing for P-XVL & V-XVL Surface Models January
The –i option removes invisible surfaces hidden behind outer surfaces. January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 19 Removing Invisible Surfaces: -i Basic Format: xvlreducer.exe –i ParameterDescription mode Select one processing from each as the operation mode and specify the sum value. 0 Determine visibility of the whole model. 1Determine visibility per part. 0 Faces visible through transparent faces are considered as visible. 4 Surfaces visible only through transparent faces are considered as invisible. 0 Tessellation parameters are automatically determined. 8 Tessellation parameters are manually specified. divnum Regarding the way to settle the viewpoint on visibility determination, specify the number of subdivision of the bounding sphere.The viewpoint is determined by viewing the center of the sphere from the vertices generated by this subdivision. Invisible surfaces from the specified viewpoints are deleted.
When 8 is specified for mode, following parameters need to be specified. January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 20 Removing Invisible Surfaces: Tessellation Parameters Basic Format: xvlreducer.exe –i 8 [tstype tsdiv tstol] ParameterDescription tstype Specify how to divide a polygon. The meaning of "tstype" is as follows (corresponding to division type name available for XVL Player Ver. 8): 1 Rough 2 Fast 3 Normal 4 Fine 5 Analytic tsdiv Specify the maximum number of polygon divisions. "tsdiv" has the same meaning as "Polygon division -> Number of division“ in XVL Player Ver. 8. tstol Specify precision of a polygon. If a negative value is specified, the division precision is the model size multiplied by the absolute value of tstol.
You can delete all surfaces that are not visible from specified cameras. January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 21 Extended Culling Option (1) Basic Format: xvlreducer.exe –i --viewpoints aspect Camera viewpoint Delete surfaces that are outside the view of the specified camera(s). Camera-1 Camera-2 … Viewpoint list is a text file that lists cameras to apply. Camera viewpoint View point list * Requires Extended Culling option. ParameterDescription aspect Specifies the aspect ratio of the view plane for visibility judgment. Specify "0" or a smaller value in usual cases.
With extended culling option, geometries are deleted in shell level. Lattice Technology, Inc. 22 Extended Culling Option (2) January 2012 No Delete-shells option Because some surfaces are deleted, the shell geometries are broken. With Delete-shells option If any surfaces of a shell are visible from the camera viewpoint(s), all the surfaces in the shell are maintained. Camera viewpoint Basic Format: xvlreducer.exe –i --viewpoints aspect --delete-shells mode ParameterDescription modeWhen "mode" is 0, shells are deleted; and when it is 1, they are deactivated. * Requires Extended Culling option.
The -z option will convert P-XVL file into V-XVL file. January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 23 Converting to Polygon-based XVL Model: -f Basic Format: xvlreducer.exe -f ParameterDescription mode Select one of the following processes as the operation mode and specify the value. 0 Do not consolidate shells. 16 Consolidate shells belonging to the body for each type, such as "surface", "wire", "isolated point", to reduce the number of shells. toleranceSpecify the tolerance (conversion precision) for conversion into a V-XVL model. typeSpecify how to divide a Polygon or Polyline. (same as tstype for –i option) divnumSpecify the maximum number of Polygon / Polyline division. Output XVL surface model Polygon-based XVL model
Lattice Technology, Inc. Processing for Polygon XVL Models January
The -r option will perform polygon reduction for a Polygon Model. January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 25 Reducing Polygons: -r Basic Format: xvlreducer.exe -r ParameterDescription mode Select one processes from each as the operation mode and specify the sum value. 0 Do not maintain the regularity of the polygon connection. 2 Maintain the regularity of the polygon connection, whenever possible. 0 Do not consolidate shells. 16 Consolidate shells belonging to the body for each type, such as "surface", "wire", "isolated point", to reduce the number of shells. ratio Specify the summarization rate of polygon reduction. (less than 1.0) angle Specify the crease angle for polygon reduction. (0 to 180) Output Reduced polygon model
January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 26 Questions? E. T F W.