Maison du Languedoc-Roussillon à Bruxelles - Open Days 2011 Regional Schools for a Second Chance in Languedoc-Roussillon
Maison du Languedoc-Roussillon à Bruxelles - Open Days 2011 Background EC White Paper on Teaching and learning (1995) Towards the learning society First reference to « Second Chance Schools » Social issues in Languedoc Roussillon : each year 5000 young people quit school without any qualitification 6% drop out rate out of them, a third are coping with illeteracy 2004: priority for the Region = to promote innovative ways to bring these young people back to the economic and social systems. First Second Chance School opened in Montpellier in 2006
Maison du Languedoc-Roussillon à Bruxelles - Open Days 2011 For whom ? 18 to 25 years old No qualification Out of school since at least 6 months Officially looking for a job (=registered at the National Job Agency) Main criteria : motivation. Assisted and informed by the local network of social workers Applicants finally selected by the Second Chance School itself
Maison du Languedoc-Roussillon à Bruxelles - Open Days 2011 How does it work? The objectives of the 9 regional schools for a second chance are to : - Update basic knowledge and skills - Develop social and behavioural skills - Provide with tailor made coaching to increase self confidence. - Help in defining professional goals Teaching methods are innovative, flexible and individualised according to each trainee s capacity to learn and his/her professional goal. Combination with periods of work/internship Schools have dedicated resources (premises, staff and accounting)
Maison du Languedoc-Roussillon à Bruxelles - Open Days 2011 In a nutshell Total beneficiaries since 2006 : : : : : : : 756 (estimated) Success rate : around 60% depending on the year (from 58% to 64%) Either they get a job, enroll for a formal vocational training or get an apprenticeship Total amount of the programme since it was launched : of which 50% funded by the ESF
Maison du Languedoc-Roussillon à Bruxelles - Open Days 2011 Directions for the future 1. Strengthen regional networking among Second chance schools in Languedoc Roussillon but also throughout France 2. Use Second chance schools pilot experience as a model to improve other regional programmes 3. Label our Regional Schools for a Second Chance as part of the National Network of Second chance schools
Maison du Languedoc-Roussillon à Bruxelles - Open Days 2011 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Contacts: MONTPELLIER, LANGUEDOC ROUSSILLON Thibaut GUIBON, project manager ; Stéphane NGUYEN, head of unit EU Affairs ; BRUSSELS Julie MARAVAL, policy officer ; For further information :