Life Science Chapter 2-Lesson 3 The Chemistry of Life
Colossians 1:15-17 “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible, weather thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible, weather thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. How does this passage speak about God as the author and sustainer of all things? How does this passage speak about God as the author and sustainer of all things?
Element God uses 91 basic substances to build an sustain every part of creation- living and nonliving, they are called elements! God uses 91 basic substances to build an sustain every part of creation- living and nonliving, they are called elements!
Compound Two or more chemically bonded elements Two or more chemically bonded elements H2OH2OH2OH2O
Molecule A particle consisting of two or more atoms chemically tied together A particle consisting of two or more atoms chemically tied together
Carbohydrates Organic compounds made from one or more sugar molecules Organic compounds made from one or more sugar molecules They provide and store energy They provide and store energy
Lipids Organic compounds that are fats and oils Organic compounds that are fats and oils They provide and store energy and make up most of the membrane of cells They provide and store energy and make up most of the membrane of cells
Proteins Organic compounds made of amino acids Organic compounds made of amino acids They make up many structures of a living organism: They make up many structures of a living organism: Fingernails Fingernails Muscles Muscles Antennas Antennas Feathers Feathers
Enzymes Special proteins that speed up chemical reactions in compounds Special proteins that speed up chemical reactions in compounds If we did not have enzymes, metabolism would occur so slow it would not sustain life If we did not have enzymes, metabolism would occur so slow it would not sustain life
Nucleic Acids Compounds that contain genetic information and the information necessary for an organism to make the protein it needs Compounds that contain genetic information and the information necessary for an organism to make the protein it needs DNA and RNA are two examples DNA and RNA are two examples
Think Back 1. What are organic compounds? 2. What do carbohydrates and lipids have in common? 3. How are sugar and starches alike? How are they different? 4. Describe what would happen if you ate a lot of sugar but no protein?