® ® CLS and the CLS Logo are registered trademarks of CLS UK Intermediate Holdings Ltd © 2005 CLS UK Intermediate Holdings Ltd. Rob Close President and CEO CLS Bank International CLS update for the Turkish banking industry 16 November 2006
CLS today
CLS - The New Market Standard Eliminates FX settlement risk Settles fifteen currencies Uses a payment versus payment (PvP) basis Multi-laterally nets all obligations per value date. CLS settles: FX spot FX forwards FX option exercises FX swaps
Only global settlement system Bankers’ Bank for FX Settlement Real-time links to Central Banks Corporate structure and governance model Legal governance and regulation Level playing field for Shareholders CLS Bank is Unique
Settlement Accounts with 15 Central Banks
Australia - Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Commonwealth Bank of Australia National Australia Bank Westpac Banking Corporation Belgium - Fortis Bank KBC Bank Canada - Bank of Montreal The Bank of Nova Scotia CIBC Royal Bank of Canada The Toronto-Dominion Bank China – Bank of China Denmark - Danske Bank Nordea France - BNP Paribas Caisse Nationale De Credit Agricole Credit Lyonnais Société Générale Germany - Bayerische Landesbank Commerzbank Deutsche Bank DZ Bank Dresdner Bank Hypo Vereinsbank WestLB Italy – Banca Intesa UniCredito Japan - The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd Mizuho Corporate Bank Norinchukin Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation The Sumitomo Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. Korea – Kookmin Bank Korea Exchange Bank Luxembourg – Dexia Banque Internationale a Luxembourg Netherlands - ABN AMRO Bank ING Bank Rabobank Nederland Norway – DnB NOR Singapore - Development Bank Of Singapore Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation United Overseas Bank South Africa – Absa Standard Bank Spain - BBVA Banco Popular Espanol Banco Santander Central Hispano Sweden - Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Svenska Handelsbanken Switzerland - Credit Suisse UBS Zurcher Kantonalbank United Kingdom - Barclays Bank HSBC Holdings Royal Bank of Scotland Standard Chartered Bank United States - American International Group Bank of America The Bank of New York Bank One Bear Stearns Securities Citibank The Goldman Sachs Group JPMorgan Chase Lehman Brothers Mellon Bank Merrill Lynch Morgan Stanley & Co. Northern Trust Corporation State Street Bank and Trust Co. CLS Shareholders
CLS – growing volume and value $2.9 trillion daily ($5.47 trillion peak day) 270,000 instructions daily (502,384 peak day) Volume Value
Growing CLS participation 71 Shareholders, 57 Members, 26 Service Providers
CLS market share 40% FX 75-83% Interbank 95% Member to Member
CLS penetration – London and New York Comparison with aggregated FXC and JSC market statistics for London and New York CLS estimated market share for spot, swaps and overall market
06:30 07:00 Funding completion Funding & settlement Submitting Instructions How CLS works - overview 09:0012:00
CLS benefits
CLS perceived value Operational Efficiencies & Scale Economics Risk reduction Market growth support Reduced funding
CLS perceived value by sector Operational Efficiencies & Scale Economics Risk reduction Market growth support Reduced funding Banks Corporates Pension Funds Investment Funds Hedge / leveraged funds Prime Brokerage / Algo Business Banks Corporates Pension Funds Investment Funds Prime Brokerage / Algo Business Prime Brokerage / Algo Business Hedge / leveraged funds
Growing FX volume from the fund industry Source: 2006 Greenwich Associates. Based on a matched sample of 733 respondents. Figures are average annual volume per respondent. Average foreign exchange trading volumes among fund managers and pension funds increased almost 48% from 2004 to 2005.
CLS facing the future
Today’s market – challenges and opportunities FX is an asset class – increasing buy side participation Programme trading growing but volatile Hedge Funds and Prime Brokerage driving market growth Strong growth in FX derivatives, e.g. NDFs & FX option premiums Growth in emerging markets Focus on cost reduction
CLS strategy overview New Products – ∆ Value delivered Increase participation Grow volume Reduce unit cost
Future growth areas for CLS Fund management Other buy side Non-Deliverable Forwards FX Option premiums Other currencies
Conclusion CLS is The FX Standard Delivering Benefits Extending the Benefits Focused on growth to reduce unit prices
® ® CLS and the CLS Logo are registered trademarks of CLS UK Intermediate Holdings Ltd © 2005 CLS UK Intermediate Holdings Ltd. Rob Close President and CEO CLS Bank International CLS update for the Turkish banking industry 16 November 2006