Integrated Maritime Policy


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Presentation transcript:

Integrated Maritime Policy Anne-France WOESTYN DG MARE.C1 Trieste, Nov 2009

Structure of the presentation Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) EU Marine Observation & Data Network (EMODNET) EU Atlas of the Seas November 2009

Structure of the presentation > Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) EU Marine Observation & Data Network EU Atlas of the Seas November 2009

IMP (October 2007) - Objectives Maximising the sustainable use of the oceans & seas Building a knowledge and innovation base on which to further develop Delivering the highest quality of life in coastal regions Promoting Europe’s leadership in international maritime affairs Raising visibility for Maritime Europe November 2009

IMP – Sea basins approaches Outermost Regions Communication (Oct 2008) Arctic Communication (November 2008) Baltic Sea Strategy (June 2009) Mediterranean Communication (Sept 2009) North Sea Communication (2010) Atlantic Communication (2010) November 2009

IMP – Transversal tools Integrated maritime governance and stakeholder involvement Integration of maritime surveillance Maritime Spatial Planning and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Building a marine knowledge base November 2009

Structure of the presentation Integrated Maritime Policy > EU Marine Observation & Data Network (EMODNET) EU Atlas of the Seas November 2009

EMODNET: Objectives and deliverables To improve access to high quality data through a marine data infrastructure Expert Group - MODEG Deliverables: Road map and Public consultation (Spring 2009) Action plan with Impact assessment (Spring 2010) November 2009

EMODNET: Preparatory actions Contracts signed June 2009 (€ 4,250,000): Seabed habitat map Hydrography Geology Chemistry Biology Sea bed mapping - under evaluation (€ 1,200,000) Project 2010 (€ 1,000,000) November 2009

Structure of the presentation Integrated Maritime Policy EU Marine Observation & Data Network > EU Atlas of the Seas November 2009

ATLAS: Objectives and target raise public awareness of maritime issues clarify the spatial dimension of EU maritime legislation, including FISH policies promote the identity of maritime basins Target audience: Interested public, MS and stakeholders November 2009

ATLAS: Approach Web-based, dynamic and public Integrated in MARE website Mainly maps, also texts and pictures European scope, including OR Sea basin approach, including coasts, waters Multi-sectors – multi-themes, including fisheries Multi-lingual (EN, FR, DE) November 2009

ATLAS: Timing 2008 Conceptual development Jan 2009 Signature contract for architecture Sep 2009 Atlas internal prototype April 2010 Atlas launch with public consultation 2010 Atlas improvement and enrichment November 2009

ATLAS: Content Science Policy and Governance Economy Population Hydrography, geology, chemistry, biology, sea-bed habitat map… Policy and Governance Jurisdictions, law, spatial planning, cooperation agreements… Economy Fishery, energy, transport, extraction, telecom, tourism, research… Population Settlement, employment, demography, education… Environment Protected areas, endangered and alien species, (radioactive) waste dumping, former ammunition deposition zones, marine pollution, accidents… Culture Historical lighthouses, coastal & underwater archaeology, submerged wrecks, maritime museum November 2009

November 2009

November 2009

Bathymetry and names (GEBCO) Cette carte indique la profondeur des eaux en mètres. Unités: mètre Source:GEBCO_08 Grid, version 20081212, November 2009

Hydrography (JRC) Réseau hydrographique européen défini dans le projet de caractérisation et modélisation des bassins versants et modélisation (Catchment Characterisation and Modelling - CCM). Source:JRC - CCM River and Catchment Database, version 2.1 (CCM2) Année:2008 November 2009

Description of the sea basins November 2009

Coastal population density Cette carte indique la densité de population des régions NUTS 3 côtières. Unités: habitants par kilomètre carré Source: Jaune pâle: <65 Jaune: 65-135 Orange: 135-250 Brun clair: 250-500 Brun:>500 Coastal population density November 2009

EU Fishing fleet in % (DG MARE) La carte indique la flotte de pêche nationale par rapport à l'Europe en fonction du nombre de navires de pêche, de la puissance motrice (KW) ou du tonnage (GT). Unités : Pourcents. Source : DG MARE November 2009 EU Fishing fleet in % (DG MARE)

Annual passengers transport (ESTAT) Cette carte indique le total de passagers annuel par un port ou par un pays en 2007 (2006 pour les données d'Italie). En cliquant sur le point représentant l'information, vous obtiendrez l'évolution annuel du mouvement de passagers. Unités: 1000 passagers Sources: EUROSTAT (Passagers), EuroGeographics (Ports, liaisons de ferries), DG TREN (Autoroutes de la mer) Bleu: <100 Vert: 100-1000 Jaune: 1000-5000 Orange: 5000-10000 Rouge: >10000 Annual passengers transport (ESTAT) November 2009

Tide amplitud, m (EEA) Amplitude moyenne des marées en mètres. Comme on pouvait s'y attendre, l'amplitude est la plus élevée en mer du Nord et dans l'Océan Atlantique tandis qu'elle est quasiment nulle en mer Baltique et Méditerranée. Les informations proviennent de 237 balises disposées le long des côtes européennes. Ces balises sont situées de 50 à 100 km de la côte. La distance séparant deux balises vaut approximativement 100 km. Unités: mètre Source: EEA Bleu: <0.3 Bleu clair: 0.3-0.9 Vert: 0.9-1.3 Jaune: 1.3-1.9 Rouge: >1.9 November 2009

Thank you for your attention! More information: Contact: November 2009