Research vs. Testable Questions What is soap? Which detergent removes stains best? What makes something sink or float? How well do different materials sink or float in water? From where do peanuts come? Which type of nut releases the most heat when burned?
How do batteries work? Which type of battery lasts the longest? Why are peoples’ feet different sizes? What effect does gender have on the length of adult feet? What happens when water expands as it freezes? How much force is needed to keep water from expanding as it freezes? Research vs. Testable Questions
Examples of Good Questions What effect would the width of a gap in the scented trail have on the ants finding the trail? What effect does cloud cover have on the the color intensity of sun-shadows? How does the temperature of a lubricant affect its viscosity ? What effect does the concentration of a baking soda solution have on the amount needed to neutralizing an acid? What effect does borax powder have on repelling insects? MV RV
How does temperature affect the rate of seed germination? Examples of Great Questions MV RV
How does temperature affect the rate of seed germination ? How does gas pressure inside a basketball affect how high the ball bounces? Examples of Great Questions MV RV
How does temperature affect the rate of seed germination ? How does gas pressure inside a basketball affect how high the ball bounces ? How does the latitude of a region on earth affect the concentration of solar energy? Examples of Great Questions MV RV
How does temperature affect the rate of seed germination ? How does gas pressure inside a basketball affect how high the ball bounces ? How does the latitude of a region on earth affect the concentration of solar energy ? What effect do microwaves have on the ability of seeds to germinate? Examples of Great Questions MV RV
Examples of Great Questions How does temperature affect the rate of seed germination ? How does gas pressure inside a basketball affect how high the ball bounces ? How does the latitude of a region on earth affect the concentration of solar energy ? What effect do microwaves have on the ability of seeds to germinate ? MV RV
Identify the MV and RV: What effect does greasing bearings have on the speed of a skateboard? How does the viscosity of magma affect how explosive a volcano is? What effect does temperature have on the elasticity of a rubber band? When mixing an acid and base, how do their pH values affect the amount of each needed for a neutralization reaction?
Identify the MV and RV: What effect does greasing bearings have on the speed of a skateboard? How does the viscosity of magma affect how explosive a volcano is? What effect does temperature have on the elasticity of a rubber band? When mixing an acid and base, how do their pH values affect the amount of each needed for a neutralization reaction? MV RV