1 Joining it up making our cultural heritage visible online Paul Miller Interoperability Focus UK Office for Library & Information Networking (U KOLN ) U KOLN is funded by Resource: the Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, the Joint Information Systems Committee (J ISC ) of the Further and Higher Education Funding Councils, as well as by project funding from J ISC and the EU. U KOLN also receives support from the Universities of Bath and Hull where staff are based.
2 “No man is an island” Donne, John, 1572–1631
3 “No citizen is an island” Community Information Services (CIS) A Netful of Jewels The People’s Network ARCHSearch e–Government strategy The National Grid for Learning SCRAN Images of England NOF–Digitise HEIRNET 100% of Government services available by 200X ukonline.gov. NGDF Metadata Project/ UKSGB
4 Standard solutions The nice thing about standards… …is that there are so many to choose from!
5 Standard solutions
6 So… why use standards? Benefit from the expertise of others Enforce rigour in internal practices Facilitate interoperability (and access) –Archives and monuments are held ‘in trust’ –Considered deployment of standard solutions makes access to those resources feasible for many –An enhanced Excavation Index, linking to the distributed excavation archives and the site report?.
7 What do standards do? Help identify what’s important –CIMI’s “Access Points” –Mandatory fields Allow for consistent use of terminology –Name Authority Files –Thesauri –Look–up tables Enable internal and external data exchange or access Reduce duplication of effort Minimise (hopefully!) wasted effort Reflect consensus.
8 What types of standard are there? Terminology –‘Roma’, not ‘Rome’ –‘Roma’ is preferred to ‘Rome’ Format –‘Miller, A.P. 1971–’, not ‘Paul Miller’ ‘Semantics’ –A gross simplification, and a very big bucket –‘Creator’, ‘Subject’, ‘Title’, ‘Description’… Syntax – Transfer –ftp://ftp.niso.org/….
9 What is ‘Interoperability’? “to be interoperable, one should actively be engaged in the ongoing process of ensuring that the systems, procedures and culture of an organisation are managed in such a way as to maximise opportunities for exchange and re-use of information, whether internally or externally.” See
10 What is ‘Metadata’? –meaningless jargon –or a fashionable, and terribly misused, term for what we’ve always done –or “a means of turning data into information” –and “data about data” –and the name of a monument (‘South Cadbury’) –and the title of a book (‘Principles of Archaeological Excavation’).
11 Metadata Standards “Paul Miller gave a really interesting talk about Dublin Core at the National Monuments Record in Swindon” In Swindon, or in Dublin? About monuments and about milling? But what was it?
12 Metadata Standards “Paul Miller gave a really interesting talk about Dublin Core at the National Monuments Record in Swindon”.
13 Challenges Many flavours of metadata which one do I use? Managing change new varieties, and evolution of existing forms Tension between functionality and simplicity, extensibility and interoperability Functions, features, and cool stuff Simplicity and interoperability Opportunities
14 Introducing the Dublin Core An attempt to improve resource discovery on the Web –now adopted more broadly Building an interdisciplinary consensus about a core element set for resource discovery –simple and intuitive –cross–disciplinary — not just libraries!! –international –open and consensual –flexible. See
15 15 elements of descriptive metadata All elements optional All elements repeatable The whole is extensible –offers a starting point for semantically richer descriptions Interdisciplinary –libraries, government, museums, archives… International –available in more than 20 languages, with more on the way... Introducing the Dublin Core
16 Title Creator Subject Description Publisher Contributor Date Type Format Identifier Source Language Relation Coverage Rights Introducing the Dublin Core
17 Introducing XML eXtensible Markup Language World Wide Web Consortium recommendation Simplified subset of SGML for use on Web Addresses HTML’s lack of evolvability Easily extended Supported by major vendors Increasingly used as a transfer syntax, but capable of far more…. See
18 Introducing RDF Resource Description Framework W3C Recommendation Fully compliant application of XML Improves upon XML, HTML, PICS… Machine understandable metadata! Supports structure Increasing interest See dc/datamodel/WD–dc–rdf/ See dc/datamodel/WD–dc–rdf/ See
19 Introducing Z39.50 North American Standard (ANSI/NISO Z39.50–1995 [version 3]) International Standard (ISO 23950) Originally library–centric Permits remote searching of databases Access via Z client or over web Relies upon ‘Profiles’ CIMI profile for cultural heritage GEO profile for Geospatial data. See
20 Z39.50 Challenges Profiles for each discipline Defeats interoperability? Vendor interpretation of the standard Bib–1 bloat Largely invisible to the user Seen as complicated and expensive Seen as old–fashioned Surely no match for XML/RDF/ whatever. See
21 Some Joined up working: The Bath Profile Vendors and systems implement areas of the Z39.50 standard differently Regional, National, and disciplinary Profiles have appeared over previous years, many of which have basic functions in common Users wish to search across national/regional boundaries, and between vendors. See
22 Learning from the past The Bath Profile is heavily influenced by ATS–1 CENL DanZIG MODELS ONE Z Texas vCUC CIMI/Aquarelle See
23 Learning from the past See
24 Doing the work ZIP–PIZ–L mailing list, hosted by National Library of Canada Meeting face–to–face JISC supported a face–to–face meeting in Bath (UK) over the summer of 1999 A draft was widely circulated for comment Discussion and feedback world–wide Profile presented at DC7 in Frankfurt Open Concertation day in the UK etc. See
25 Makx Dekkers PricewaterhouseCoopers/ EC Janifer Gatenby GEAC Juha Hakala National Library of Finland Poul Henrik Joergensen Danish Library Centre Carrol Lunau National Library of Canada Paul Miller UKOLN Slavko Manojlovich SIRSI/ Memorial University of Newfoundland Bill Moen University of North Texas Judith Pearce National Library of Australia Joe Zeeman CGI. Doing the work See
26 What we proposed Minimisation of ‘defaults’ Where possible, every attribute is defined in the Profile (Use, Relation, Position, Structure, Truncation, Completeness) Three Functional Areas Basic Bibliographic Search & Retrieval Bibliographic Holdings Search & Retrieval Cross–Domain Search & Retrieval Three Levels of Conformance in each Area. See
27 What we proposed SUTRS or XML and UNIMARC or MARC21 for Bibliographic Search results SUTRS and Dublin Core (in XML) for Cross–Domain results Other record syntaxes also permitted, but conformant tools must support at least these. See
28 Finishing it off… Bath Profile 1.1 accredited as ISO Internationally Registered Profile (IRP) National Library of Canada as Maintenance Agency Direct approaches to international vendors Already begun in North America. Europe still to do. User testing in Europe and North America Does the Profile do what it’s meant to? Revision of CIMI Profile and others to include Bath as a core subset. See
29 Finishing it off… Inclusion of explicit Bath Profile requirements in RFPs across North America and Europe already. Bath Editorial Group working on stock text Addition of Functional Areas and Levels of Conformance as required Community Information? Next open meeting in Newfoundland, 24– 25 September. See
30 Relevance to EH…? Users want content Good, quality controlled content, but not only from EH EH sits on a wealth of information But how much of it is really accessible to the world? Joined–up everything HEIRNET Government agendas ADS… Portalitis.
31 Users want content… Welcome to the information economy… But if you’re ‘selling’, then they’re ‘customers’ People only ‘buy’ what they can see Educational agendas Every school online by 2002, but where’s the stuff? –National Grid for Learning –Learning for Life/ Social Inclusion –e–University –24 Hour Museum. See “Gimme stuff!”
32 Joined–up everything… Modernising Government/ Best Value Government metadata/ interoperability rules Digital Scotland The shape of things to come? DNER Regional Broadband Consortia HEIRNET/ ADS Gateway NOF–DIGI 2 EH bids through to second stage? SOCITM.
33 Portalitis Making your stuff portable and visible, makes it reusable and valuable. ukonline.gov/ Ask Giraffe DNER People’s Network/ NOF–DIGI A(H)DS Heritage Gateway? 24 Hour Museum National Grid for Learning Paul’s portal etc.
34 See Mail Join