COG Climate, Energy and Environment Policy Committee Overview of Committee Bylaws and COG Committee Structure Stuart A. Freudberg Director, Dept. of Environmental Programs September 18, 2009
2 COG Committee Structure COG Board of Directors Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee Climate, Energy & Environment Policy Committee National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board Chesapeake Bay and Water Resources Policy Committee Aviation Policy Committee Metropolitan Development Policy Committee Human Services and Public Safety Policy Committee
CEEPC Mission The Climate, Energy and Environment Policy Committee (CEEPC) is the principal policy adviser to the COG Board of Directors on all climate change and energy issues, as well as green building, alternate fuels, solid waste and recycling policy issues, and other environmental issues as the Board may assign. The CEEPC shall oversee annual work programs and budgets for its assigned program areas. The CEEPC shall be responsible for developing and presenting to the Board for action reports, policy statements, recommendations, and proposals relevant to its purpose and mission. The CEEPC shall facilitate implementation of the COG Climate Change Report and shall, from time to time, advise the Board on the success of the Report’s recommendations and the need for modification, if any. 3
CEEPC Membership COG Members Elected Official per COG local government + 1 Additional elected Official for: District of Columbia (Mayor) Fairfax County Montgomery County (Exec) Prince George County (Exec) State Government - 13 MD, VA Senate + House State Environment, Energy, Transportation Directors Stakeholders - 17 Federal/Regional Agencies - 4 Electric & Gas Utilities - 3 Environmental Community - 3 Business Community - 3 Academic Community – 3 + Chair, Air Quality Public Advisory Committee Regional* Transportation Planning Board Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee WMATA Board of Directors * Added if not represented by COG members. 4
CEEPC Voting Quorum – 1/3 of voting members (or alternates) = 56/3 = 19 The vote of the majority of the CEEPC members (or their officially designated alternates) present and voting shall decide any question brought before the Committee; – except that two-thirds of local government officials present and voting must affirmatively support any matter concerning work program, Bylaw amendment, advocacy statement, or recommendation to the COG Board of Directors. 5
COG Climate, Energy and Environment Policy Committee Technical Committee Structure Climate, Energy and Environment Policy Committee Intergovernmental Green Building Group Intergovernmental Green Building Group Street Light Work Group Street Light Work Group Solid Waste Managers Recycling Committee Solid Waste Managers Recycling Committee Regional Energy Outreach & Education Work Group Regional Energy Outreach & Education Work Group Energy Advisory Committee Energy Advisory Committee Affiliated Alternative Fuels /Clean Cities Partnership Clean Air Partners Commuter Connections Affiliated Alternative Fuels /Clean Cities Partnership Clean Air Partners Commuter Connections Supporting MWAQC Technical Advisory Committee Water Resources Technical Committee TPB Technical Committee Planning Directors Technical Advisory Committee Emergency Managers Committee Supporting MWAQC Technical Advisory Committee Water Resources Technical Committee TPB Technical Committee Planning Directors Technical Advisory Committee Emergency Managers Committee 6