The pan-European Researchers Mobility Portal. Directorate D: The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Why Such a Portal? One of the major obstacles.


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Presentation transcript:

The pan-European Researchers Mobility Portal

Directorate D: The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Why Such a Portal? One of the major obstacles to transnational mobility is the lack of adequate information on available grants, fellowships and opportunities for researchers in Europe as well as on questions related to visa, access to employment, social security rights, fiscal matters and cultural aspects when researchers move to another country.

The pan-European Researchers Mobility Portal Directorate D: The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions The Answer? The pan-European Researchers Mobility Portal

Directorate D: The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions What is the aim? The aim is to achieve a true interoperability of European, national, regional databases through the definition of common requirements, standards and recommendations.

The pan-European Researchers Mobility Portal Directorate D: The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Who are the main actors? The most relevant international, national and sectoral research organisations are being mobilised towards the interconnection at European level of their databases and information sources.

The pan-European Researchers Mobility Portal Directorate D: The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions What services will be offered? General information about research/fellowship programmes or grants grants opportunities and job offersAvailable opportunities and job offers administrative andInformation about administrative and legal issues legal issues (conditions of entry, social security and tax schemes etc) Tailored and customised help deskTailored and customised help desk- function researchGeneral information about research policy issuescareer policy issues relevant for the career development development of a researcher ForumForum and other services of particular interest for mobile researchers

The pan-European Researchers Mobility Portal Directorate D: The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions A complementary initiative Next Wave Europe: A Dedicated Career Resource for Europes Scientists Through the partnership with the European Science Foundation, Next Wave Europe offers open access to the entire site -all six years of it- to scientists in 27 countries across Europe. The pan-European Researchers Mobility Portal

The pan-European Researchers Mobility Portal Directorate D: The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Not only information Researchers will have free access to a Europe wide customised assistance service offered by the European Network of Mobility Centres to be launched in spring These centres will assist researchers in all matters relating to their professional and daily lives, including practical information on housing, schooling, day- care or language courses

The pan-European Researchers Mobility Portal Directorate D: The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Roadmap Development of pilot Portal: October April 2003 Presentation of prototype: major events in all Member States and Associated Countries User trial group: February - April 2003 Information campaign: April 2003 Launch of pilot portal: May 2003

The pan-European Researchers Mobility Portal Contact Point For further information: European Commission – Directorate General Research Directorate D: The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Contact: