The “Move It” Machine How does it work??? Marble is blown through the angular tubing Marble collides w/ the golf ball causing it to roll Golf ball rolls down two ramps & falls into the teeter-totter The ball weighs down the tetter-totter causing it to flip 90° to the right, releasing the tetter-totter holder, and weighing down the wood The battery sitting on top of the wood is the counterweight needed to hold the spool in place The wood then releases the spool and allows king Julian, in the netting, to stop the “MOVE IT” song on the laptop
Summary of Energy & Equations Conservation of energyConservation of energy ½ Ι ω i 2 + m g h i + ½ m v i 2 = ½ Ι ω f 2 + m g h f + ½ m v f 2 ½ Ι ω i 2 + m g h i + ½ m v i 2 = ½ Ι ω f 2 + m g h f + ½ m v f 2 Elastic CollisionElastic Collision m 1 v 1 i + m 2 v 2 i = m 1 v 1 f + m 2 v 2 f m 1 v 1 i + m 2 v 2 i = m 1 v 1 f + m 2 v 2 f TorqueTorque Σ Τ = Ι α = m r 2 α Σ Τ = Ι α = m r 2 α
Issues/ Problems Size and shape of the Size and shape of the tubing lead to problems w/ tubing lead to problems w/ marble transportation marble transportation Surface and weight of the Surface and weight of the wooden balance w/o sand wooden balance w/o sand paper and a D battery, it paper and a D battery, it would not hold the spool in would not hold the spool in place place Weight of King Julian and Weight of King Julian and platform he needed more platform he needed more weight and a wider platform in weight and a wider platform in order to hit the key on the order to hit the key on the laptop laptop
Conclusion Concepts Used Concepts Used Torque Torque Angular Momentum Angular Momentum Center of Mass Center of Mass Conservation of Energy Conservation of Energy Collision Collision