Contact, Collision and Congestion Nobuyuki Umetani
Interactive Hybrid Simulation of Large-Scale Traffic Jason Sewall (Intel Corporation), David Wilkie, Ming C. Ling (University of North Carolina)
Motivation Efficient traffic simulation – Fast – Scalable Interactively moving visible region
Method Visible Region -> Agent based approach – Solve for each car speed & position Invisible Region -> Continuum based approach – Solve for car density average velocity Visible( Agent Based ) Invisible (Continuum Based )
Agent Generation from Continuum data Stochastic Theory – Model Car distances with Poisson’s distribution – For the accuracy, λ is function of x, not constant
Performance – Scalability
Pattern-Guided Smoke Animation with Lagrangian Coherent Structure Zhi Yuan, Fan Chen, Ye Zhao (Kent State University)
Motivation Fit hi-res fluid simulation to low-res simulation – hi-res : detail, expensive – Low-res : no detail, cheap, controllable Low-Res Hi-Res
Method Extract skeleton from low-res fluid simulation Fluid skeleton : Lagrangian Coherent Structure(LCS) LCS is computed from FTLE (finite-time Lyapunov exponent) Assimilate high-res fluid velocity to low-res at LCS
Computation of LCS FTLS0 thinning 5 thinning 10 thinning
Interference Aware Geometric Modeling David Harmon (New York University), Daniele Panozzo (University of Genova), Olga Sorkine (ETH Zurich), Denis Zorin (New York University)
Motivation Deform Surface avoiding penetration – Interactive Speed – Various type surface Close/non-close mesh Subdivision surface
Method Space-time frame work Space-time Interference Volume(STIV)
Imperceptible Relaxation of Collision Avoidance Constraints in Virtual Crowds Richard Kulpa, Anne-Helene Olivier Jan Ondrej, Julien Pettre (INRIA, Grenoble, France)
A Hybrid Iterative Solver for Robustly Capturing Coulomb Friction in Hair Dynamics Gilles Daviet, Florence Bertails-Descoubes, Laurence Boissieux (INRIA, Grenoble, France)