At local level Mrs. Lisa Fröbel. Overview Partnership at local and regional level Social Enterprises at national level Regional ESF-programmes.


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Presentation transcript:

at local level Mrs. Lisa Fröbel

Overview Partnership at local and regional level Social Enterprises at national level Regional ESF-programmes

Introduction Coompanion Sweden, member of the board Coompanion, Co-operative Development Agency in the County of Jämtland, member of the board SERUS Ek. För, chairwoman KOOPI Swedish Co-operative Center

Background 25 Coompanions (CDA:s) Own juridical status Coompanion Sweden - an NGO National financial support Conditional regional support as matching finance Consultancy and projects (+/- 30%) Services Start-up consultancy Development of established co-ops Education and training Social Entrepreneurship Elderly co-ops Youth co-ops Coo-sourcing Local economy development Keyfactor: Strong regional and local partnership

Social Enterprises in Sweden Equal National Thematic Group - Social Entrepreneurship Action Plan for growth thru more and stronger social enterprises Business aims: Integration of individuals back to the labour market and society Mainly re-invests the profit in its own or similar businesses Create participation among the staff thru ownership, agreements or by other documented ways Organisational neutral, not bounded, to the public sector

Regional ESF-programmes European Social Fund programme , National Programme 8 Regional ESF-plans, Co-operation projects in progress Example: Mid Norrland Region Program area 1: Access to Competence (30%) Program area 2: Increase access to labour force (70%)

Conclusions 1.Strong Partnership on local and regional level 2.Create National Strategic programme for Social Entrepreneurship 3.ESF-programmes , become an important part in the programming and its decision structures 4.Social Enterprises as contributing to job creation and (economic) growth!