Baltimore Polytechnic Institute September 5, 2012 A.P. U.S. History Mr. Green
Submit the short written homework assignment.
At the end of this lesson, students will analyze the role of women in Massachusetts Bay and throughout New England
Anne Hutchinson antinomianism-a holy life was no sure sign of salvation and that the truly saved need not bother to obey the law of either God or man Roger Williams Separatist Break from Church of England Felt Indians deserved fair compensation Rhode Island-freedom of religion Mary Dyer Hanged for violating a Puritan law prohibiting Quakers in Massachusetts Bay
Anne Hutchinson Roger Williams Describe the impact these 2 individuals had on the Massachusetts Bay Colony and the region in general. Pros and Cons of the Massachusetts Bay on individual citizens.
Read “The Church Trial of Mistress Ann Hibbens” and discuss
Identify and explain connections between the Puritans and any event in the recent past (i.e. last ten years”
Read American Pageant Chapter 3 and 4 Read “Visible and Invisible World of Salem” on the bpi site.