A nano detector watch is just like a normal watch, except for the fact that it helps you stay healthy! Yes, you heard me correctly, a watch that wards off sickness. This amazing new technology uses molecules as sensors to tell if there are toxins in the air that you are breathing. For example, if one of your friends that you are standing next to sneezes, how do you know if that sneeze will make you sick? Well, if you happen to have on a NanoDetecto Watch, the watch will actually signal you of the germs in the contaminated air by letting off an electronic signal or changing colors. Basically, if there is a speck of toxic chemicals, disease-causing germs, or pollen in the air you’re breathing, the nano watch will let you know. Pretty cool, right?
So, what can this new technology be used for? Think of it this way. A lot of diseases are airborne, so a lot of people get sick every day. In the near future when everyone has their own nano watch, people won’t get sick as easily. This can be especially helpful in a household that has a member with a weak immune system. The watch could also be used in hospitals to ensure a clean environment for the patients and doctors.
There are many benefits of the nano watch. One is staying healthy. If you stay healthy more, then you will be able to do more fun and exciting things in life, such as spend time with your family and friends. The nano watch looks like a regular watch, so it fits in with any style of clothing that you wear. Another benefit of this watch is that it will actually save you money and time. When a nano watch detects pollen or germs in the air, then you can get out of the contaminated space. People with allergies might have to spend a lot of money getting allergy medications. Well, with the help of the nano watch, those people will be able to spend that money a better way, like paying for more clothes for their family. Also, when people are sick, they have to take off work or school and go to the doctor. That takes up time and energy that could be spent doing something fun. Society will certainly benefit a lot from the nano watch!
No, unfortunately the NanoDetecto Watch is not available to the public yet. Hopefully this amazing technology will be on the market soon, but until that day comes that technology of the future will stay in the future!
THE END This has been a PowerPoint presentation by Chloe Mathieu.